Wednesday, September 05, 2012

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Vitamin is important that Whole Sperm DNA

Consumption of foods and supplements such as vitamin C, E, folate and zinc mentioned beneficial to improve the quality of sperm DNA in older men. Similarly, as noted in a study by the U.S. Department of Energy, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab).

This study analyzed 80 healthy male volunteers aged 22 sampa 80 years. Seen that men with more than 44 years of age who consumed vitamin C, had 20 percent fewer sperm DNA damage compared with men who consumed less vitamin C. The same is true for vitamin E, zinc, and folic acid.
But note, the young man micronutrient intake of higher type does not improve the quality of their sperm DNA.

"We found that men aged 44 and older who consume certain micronutrients, have the same number of sperm with DNA damage as the sperm of men who were younger," says Andy Wyrobek of Berkeley Lab's Life Sciences Division, as quoted from Zeenews (30/8).

Unfortunately, despite the scientists found a clear link between higher vitamin intake and improved the quality of sperm DNA in elderly men, they do not know whether this relationship extends to fertility problems.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


New Potato Juice Therapy Sore Stomach

Besides rice, some people prefer potatoes to supply carbohydrates. It turns out, served a delicious vegetable chips, are also able to relieve symptoms of stomach ulcers.

As in the study conducted by scientists at the University of Manchester, United States, antibacterial molecules in the potato can address the most prevalent complaints of stomach ulcers. Others, researchers say that vitamin C and B, and potassium in the potato is very quickly able to overcome inflammation, both internally and externally. The good news, with potato juice, not just treat stomach ulcers, but also inflammation of the intestines and digestive system disorders.

The researchers even suggest potato juice as a daily supplement for the body. Of the properties of the potato, the scientists then developed the drug with a potato ingredient free from side effects.

The conclusion stems from the existence of a conventional potato recipe to cure stomach problems. "When I heard that potatoes can be used to treat ulcers, I rather doubt it. But to my surprise, it has many botanical products are very interesting compounds. And I have to peel one by one to a new discovery," said Ian Roberts, professor of microbiology at Faculty of Biology, University of Manchester, told Zeenews
Roberts added that he and other research teams find potato juice as a preventive measure to stop the inflammation of the stomach.

Monday, August 06, 2012


FDA Remove Use of Benzocaine for Children

American Institute for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) strictly prohibits the use of Benzokanin for babies whose teeth are growing. In the study mentioned that Benzokanin mentioned could cause a deadly condition.

The FDA release, as mentioned by the site (29/7), a deadly condition will be more at risk if given to children under the age of 2 years.

Keep in mind, Benzokanin is a local anesthetic that is found in some products such as Anbesol, Orajel, Baby Orajel, Obadase, and Hurricane. Previously, the use of benzocaine is believed to relieve pain in the gums and mouth on a baby who was teething.

However, in recent research, it turns out benzocaine, can cause a potentially deadly condition called methemoglobinemia, in which the amount of oxygen carried through the blood stream is greatly reduced.

These warnings began in 2006. Since the 26 statements related to the use of benzocaine-related methemoglobinemia cases. Found that 19 of the cases occur in children, and 15 of whom are under the age of 2 years.

For information, methemoglobinemia has a characteristic such as pale or bluish skin, headaches, and heart rate with a faster rhythm. According to the FDA, it's good for parents to use more secure than giving penghalau pain medication on their child's gums. For the traditional way, parents can gently rubbing your finger around the child's gums.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Yogurt Powerful Banish bad breath

Having a problem with bad breath is sometimes frustrating. Besides being able menghilangakn confidence, bad breath can also make your friends shunned. Well, if the various ways that you have not traveled to fruition, hopefully the results of research conducted by Dr. Kenichi Hojo of Tsurumi University in Japan Yokoham-this helps.

According to Dr. peneltian results. Kenichi, yogurt turns out to be a potent new weapon to eliminate bad breath. "Yogurt can perform many tasks to clean the mouth, and is able to weaken the bacteria that produced the tongue that cause bad breath," he said.

Research conducted during this six-week study involving 90 healthy volunteers by calculating the level of hydrogen sulfide and volatile sulfide, a substance that can meneyebabkan bad breath in each volunteer. Then, each volunteer is required by Dr. Kenichi to consume 90 grams of yogurt twice a day. After diligently consume yogurt on a regular basis, the results were very encouraging, ie 80 percent of the volunteers experienced reduced levels of hydrogen sulfide and volatile sulfide.
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