Friday, March 14, 2014

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9 Taboo Food For Pregnant Women

As a woman who is pregnant with a fetus , of course, you want your baby to be healthy until the time of delivery . You certainly do not want anything bad to happen to your baby due to lack of knowledge about pregnancy .

Pregnant Women
Well , after yesterday you know the foods and nutrients that are recommended during pregnancy , this time you should also know what foods and beverages should be avoided during pregnancy .

1 . Raw or undercooked foods

For pregnant women , it is important to avoid the consumption of raw or undercooked foods . This allows the food that it contains bacteria and viruses that can affect the health of mothers and babies . Therefore , try any food that wants pregnant women consume, the level of maturity has been perfect .

2 . alcohol

Although red wine is reported to provide health benefits for the body , but do not drink while pregnant . Any type of alcohol can be toxic to the baby . So avoid this drink when pregnant .

3 . eating seafood

Seafood containing omega - 3 is good for the baby . However , you should also avoid seafood high in mercury . Therefore , it can damage the baby's brain . In addition , try to avoid serving food shark , king mackerel , crab , shrimp , and salmon .

4 . caffeine

There have been many studies which mentions that the caffeine consumed by pregnant women can make a baby born with a small weight . Although there is no caffeinated coffee , excessive consumption still is not good for health .

5 . processed meat

A research states that processed meat consumption is associated with risk of early death . If ordinary people are not encouraged to eat processed meat , obviously pregnant women should avoid this food .

6 . herbal tea

That one drink is actually healthy . But nature can turn out to be harmful if consumed in excess . Pregnant women are also forbidden to drink tea chamomile flowers . For more details , contact your doctor because of the conditions and needs of each pregnant woman is definitely different.

7 . Unpasteurized milk and cheese

Milk and unprocessed cheese or unpasteurized should not be taken by pregnant women . Because chances are there are a lot of bacteria nesting in it . Better to drink the milk of other types are more healthful .

8 . artificial sweeteners

Cause : Although the side effects of sweeteners in addition to fetal growth is still not known for certain , some scholars prohibit pregnant women consume artificial sweeteners . Avoid drinks that are high in sugar . You better drink a lot of water or fresh fruit juice .

9 . Washing vegetables and fruits

One simple way of maintaining the health of infants and pregnant women is to wash all food products thoroughly before you cook it . It is quite possible bacteria and germs in the food stick and ultimately affect your pregnancy .

Well , that's some foods and drinks that should be avoided by pregnant women . May be useful for those who need it .


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