Friday, March 07, 2014

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Consumption of Sugar Just 6 Teaspoon0 Per Day

Sugar is a substance that is almost always present in the diet . Increasing consumption of sugar can be harmful to health . For that reason , it is important to be aware of sugar especially in processed food .

According to experts , the consumption of sugar is not restricted cause of premature death case continues to increase every year in the world .

" The addition of sugar in the diet is not required at all . Adding sugar actually lead to obesity , type 2 diabetes , and tooth decay . We already know this but the risk of not doing anything important , " said Graham MacGregor , cardiology expert from London .

Dangers of excess sugar also stalking the children and adolescents through the consumption of soft drinks . The World Health Organization ( WHO ) said the high rates of obesity due to the sugar content is hidden ( hidden sugar ) in beverages and processed foods , such as yogurt , pasta , or carbonated soft drinks , juices , and smoothies .

" Obesity experienced by billions of people in the world and the number continues to rise . Gula like tobacco harm public health . By eating a can of soda alone , mean intake of sugar in a day already filled . Therefore , be careful in the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages , " said the director of nutrition to the health and development of the WHO , which affirms Francesco Branca sugar is a major cause of weight gain children .

Associated dangers of sugar , the WHO has published draft dietary guidelines . In the draft, adults are advised not to exceed 12 teaspoons per day . Consumption up to 6 teaspoons a number of recommended best .

As for children , the recommended limit is less than 6 teaspoons . Children should not consume soft drinks which contains an average of 7 teaspoons of sugar equivalent . Sugar restrictions can prevent obesity , heart disease , and a variety of other serious disorders .

Free consumption of sugar is still discussed among academic and health experts prior to publication . But Branca said , the food and beverage industry should begin to limit the amount of sugar used .

According to MacGregor , this draft will be an alarm for the government and health departments associated with the consumption of high sugar foods . The government can suppress food processing industry to gradually reduce the sugar content in their products . Restriction of sugar intake will also be carried out on products for children , along with fat and salt content .


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