Tuesday, March 18, 2014

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Insomnia and All His information

Insomnia is a sleep disorder symptoms that make it difficult to sleep . Insomnia is usually caused due to an illness or problems related to the psychological . Therefore , psychological or medical assistance is needed to overcome them . Cognitive therapy is one psychological therapy is effective for treating insomnia . The Therapy invite someone to fix the sleep habits and eliminate counter-productive assumptions about sleep .

Many insomniacs who depend on sleeping pills or tranquilisers to get to sleep . Sedative drugs have the potential to make people have a psychological dependence on the assumption that they can not sleep if not taking these drugs .


To diagnose a person experiencing insomnia or not , should be assessed for certain items , such as :

    The use of drugs or alcohol
    physical activity
    medical history
    Levels of psychological stress
    The mentally ill sleeping patterns

Causes of Insomnia

As reviewed previously that insomnia is not a disease , but a symptom that occurs due to various reasons , such as physical disorders , use of certain drugs , and emotional disorders . Insomnia is common to both those who are young or elderly . Insomnia often occurs in conjunction with emotional disorders such as depression , fear , anxiety , and anxiety . There is also a people who have trouble sleeping simply because the brain and body is not tired . People who experience sleep disorders sometimes have sleep patterns are reversed . When it's bedtime, they actually did not sleep , but they actually sleep time to wake up . This can happen due to several things , namely :

    Working at night . Changing working hours .
    Damage to the brain ( due to stroke , Alzheimer's )
    consuming alcohol
    Side effects of drugs
    jet lag


Sufferers of insomnia is usually awake and often difficult to sleep at night and feel tired all day . In the psycho- physiological insomnia , a person usually experience feelings of tension , worry , anxiety , or considering a problem in the past issues that have not even happened in the future continuously. While the acute insomnia , patients typically think of an event such as a disease that attacks the nearest person to the death . Things like this can be attributed to the occurrence of insomnia .


How to overcome insomnia depends on the cause and severity of insomnia . Sleep difficulties experienced by the elderly usually do not require specific treatment . This is because changes in sleep experienced by the parents rated normal with age . But for those who suffer from insomnia at a young age and still productive , it is advisable to relax , relaxed , and quiet a few hours before bedtime . In addition make the atmosphere as comfortable as possible in the bedroom , not noisy or low light . If the cause of emotional stress , the patient is usually given a stress reliever . If the cause of depression , usually given anti -depressants .

If you have trouble sleeping , it could be the insomnia or other sleep disorders . To find certainty , immediately consult a doctor in order to know the cause and solution . May be useful .


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