Wednesday, March 26, 2014

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The Characteristics of Genuine and Pure Honey

The characteristics of pure honey and it is easy to know if you know how. But before the review of the characteristics of pure honey , let 's find out in advance what is called honey .

Honey is a thick yellow liquid produced by bees . Derived from the nectar of flowers and then modified by the bees through a complex fermentation process . Sweet taste of honey due to a substance called monosaccharides fructose and glucose which has a sweet taste that is almost similar to the taste of sugar . Other ingredients in honey are maltose , sucrose and water .

In addition to being a natural remedy , honey is also often used as a mixture of a variety of foods and beverages such as milk mixed with a healthy , stamina enhancer , used for cake mix , a mix of food and so forth . Efficacy of pure honey for a healthy body is very very much even honey is not just for consumption but also can be used on the outside of the body such as to treat chapped lips , face masks , antiseptic and other various uses .

The characteristics of honey produced from bees honey has a distinctive traits possessed only by the pure honey . Some ways to test the authenticity of honey include the following :

1 . Test honey with ants
Although honey has a sweet taste , but it will not be visited by honey or filled with ants even in the open state . To try it , teteskanlah little honey on locations that are often visited by ants and see the results .

2 . Chill in refrigerator
Honey is different from other liquids . To try it out , try to enter the honey into the refrigerator and see the results . Pure honey will not freeze despite being in a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius .

3 . Dissolve the honey into the water
Prepare a glass of water and then slowly drops of honey into it . Original honey will not mix with water and immediately fixed clot at the base of the glass . Characteristics of the honey is very distinctive due to viscosity and substances contained therein which allows indirect honey mixed with water .

4 . Burn with matches
Prepare stem lighters and matches bulb dip into honey . Then take a candle and matches the fuel rods had been dipped in honey . If a match still burning perfectly , it stands to reason honey is genuine . This is because honey is the concentrated liquid not to enter into the pores of the match so it matches just looks wet on the surface , but not on the inside .

5 . Check the flavor , aroma and density

Honey has a distinctive pungent aroma . This scent is so strong and possessed only by the pure honey . In addition to the sharp aroma , sweet taste found in pure honey is also very typical though almost similar to that produced by the sweet taste of sugar . Original honey has a high density even if you are dripping honey onto a sheet of tissue paper thin though , the honey will not be directly absorbed and penetrates into the tissue paper . In contrast to other liquids .

So a few tips to recognize the characteristics of the original pure honey . Hopefully this article can help health and always consume honey to increase your endurance .


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