Friday, March 28, 2014

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Vitamin C Helps Fight Disease Tumors

For people with diseases such as brain tumors or tumors of the ovary, suggested start taking vitamin C. The researchers from the University of Kansas   (KU) Medical Center published their research on cells in Science Translational Medicine . From their research , they found that intravenous vitamin C may reduce the side effects of chemotherapy . This research also found that vitamin C increases tumor destruction effects during chemotherapy .

Tumor Disease Treatment With Vitamin C

The researcher explained that the purchase of vitamin C through injection or infusion , safe and effective way to help the body fight tumors . In addition to using the infusion or injection , vitamin C can be consumed directly . Many sources of foods containing vitamin C such as oranges , guava , strawberry , papaya and many others .

For the prevention of cancer cells , you can take vitamin C regularly. Especially for those of you who are already suffering from a brain tumor , ovarian or other parts , the better its direct injected vitamin C directly .
Since 1970 , a chemist named Linus Pauling reported research findings that vitamin C given to the injected directly into a blood vessel proved to be effective in the treatment of tumors and cancer diseases .

Researchers from the University of Kansas Linus Pauling research proves that is true . They found that injection of vitamin C into the blood vessels can be directly absorbed by the body and accelerate the process of destruction of tumors and cancer .

In research conducted , the researchers tried to inject ovarian cancer cells with vitamin C. The experiment was conducted in mice . Once considered safe , this experiment was continued by injecting vitamin C for advanced ovarian cancer patients . From here , they found that the cancer cells are highly sensitive to vitamin C or healthy normal cells whereas others do not see why .

Treatment with vitamin C can be done in conjunction with standard chemotherapy process is based on experiments in mice . In experiments on patients who are willing to participate somewhat different . Some patients experience few side effects when given a dose of vitamin C in conjunction with chemotherapy .

Unfortunately there are no pharmaceutical companies conduct more detailed experiments would be this is because vitamin C is a natural product that can be obtained naturally . Because the vitamin is a natural product that can not be patented .


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