Friday, May 15, 2009

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When Stress Pregnant Cock Asthma On Children

Women who experience stress during pregnancy risk giving birth more children with asthma disease.The research team from Bristol University, UK found that new evidence shows that stress to be one of the environmental factors believed that the doctors can trigger the emergence of the disease asthma.

Results of the findings have been published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, the pregnant mother who often feel anxious and nervous akan impact on the development of the health of children. Them, 60 percent more at risk children with the disease have asthma, compared with mothers who during pregnancy and in the circumstances relaks comfortable.

This was after the invention of the research team monitors the 14,000 children who came from 5800 families in the area of Bristol, UK, for about a decade. Each mother asked him questions about the condition during pregnancy. They are required to fill out the questionnaire in detail about how severe uneasiness that they experienced during pregnancy are 18 and 32 weeks.

Approximately 16 percent of mothers who confess to feeling dirnya nervous and excessive anxious during pregnancy, birth to a baby known to be suffering from asthma when they go big. The researchers believe that the increased stress that hormos known as kortisol during pregnancy, the possibility of influence on the immune system the body of the baby. Therefore, the research leader, Prof. John Henderson suggested the expectant mother who treats her well and dissociate from qualm excessive. With the escape from stress during pregnancy is believed to fight disease.

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