Monday, August 06, 2012

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FDA Remove Use of Benzocaine for Children

American Institute for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) strictly prohibits the use of Benzokanin for babies whose teeth are growing. In the study mentioned that Benzokanin mentioned could cause a deadly condition.

The FDA release, as mentioned by the site (29/7), a deadly condition will be more at risk if given to children under the age of 2 years.

Keep in mind, Benzokanin is a local anesthetic that is found in some products such as Anbesol, Orajel, Baby Orajel, Obadase, and Hurricane. Previously, the use of benzocaine is believed to relieve pain in the gums and mouth on a baby who was teething.

However, in recent research, it turns out benzocaine, can cause a potentially deadly condition called methemoglobinemia, in which the amount of oxygen carried through the blood stream is greatly reduced.

These warnings began in 2006. Since the 26 statements related to the use of benzocaine-related methemoglobinemia cases. Found that 19 of the cases occur in children, and 15 of whom are under the age of 2 years.

For information, methemoglobinemia has a characteristic such as pale or bluish skin, headaches, and heart rate with a faster rhythm. According to the FDA, it's good for parents to use more secure than giving penghalau pain medication on their child's gums. For the traditional way, parents can gently rubbing your finger around the child's gums.


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