Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Seeing the Benefits of Fiber Food

Fiber foods (dietary fiber) is a component in plants that are not digested enzymatically into parts that can diserat in the digestive tract. Barbara Rolls, Phd, author of The Volumetrics Eating Plan, says the consumption of high-fiber diet is very good for lowering cholesterol, but also prevent constipation because fiber absorbs water when passing through the digestive tract so that the feces become soft tekstus. To be free from constipation, fiber consumption should be balanced with adequate water intake, because if not drinking, it will exacerbate fiber constipation or bowel disorders.

"Fiber not only reduces the density of food (the number of calories we / create), but also shorten the time lapse when the rest of the digestive tract through the system," said Rolls. This will reduce exposure to carcinogens intestinal wall. In addition, according to Joanne Slavin, PhD, an expert in the field of obesity from the University of Minnesota, fibers not only make your stomach feel more full, but also reduces digestive problems, including colon cancer.

Some studies even show that large amounts of fiber can help regulate blood sugar and insulin. This is why, people who often eat more fiber tend to be slimmer. Fiber is also known to show other benefits to health. High fiber intake (especially from cereals and products serelia) proved to slow the emergence of cholesterol plaque in women who suffer from heart disease.

Adequate fiber consumption will also protect your heart by lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) without reducing good cholesterol (HDL). This is because high-fiber foods usually contain saturated fats and cholesterol low. The best sources of fiber are vegetables and fruits, and grains. The experts do not recommend the consumption of fiber supplements because of inappropriate consumption can cause intestinal obstruction and diarrhea.

Source :WebMD
Tiens Product Best for Health contain Fiber Food : Double Cellulose Tablet

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


The signs of Cancer Frequently Ignored

Compared with men, women are more concerned about his health. They are also cautious and want it checked out when seeing a strange phenomenon in the body. Someone on the health concerns are also associated with age. "Young people are generally better because it considers only the ignorant parents who might get the disease," said Mary Daly, oncologists Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, USA.

Talk about symptoms that weird in the body, following the signs to watch cancer. Although not specific, but the following symptoms are usually accompanied by other signs. Noteworthy is, the more early known, the greater the chance of cancer cure.

1. Weight loss without any clear cause
Every woman would want to losing weight without trying tired. However, the drop weight in a month without dieting or exercise efforts, need to wary of.

"Weight loss is a sudden fall without explanation could be a sign of cancer or other health conditions, such as an overactive thyroid. To be sure consult a doctor," said Ranit Mishori, assistant professor of family health from the Georgetown University School of Medicine.

2. Swelling in the abdomen
The appearance of swelling in the abdomen can be suspected as a sign of ovarian cancer. Another sign that accompanies the pain in the abdomen or pain in the pelvis, urinary disorders and easy to feel sated while eating less. Watch for symptoms of swelling, especially if the settlement is more than a week.

3. Breast changes
Although not routinely conduct their own tests, in general recognize the condition of her breasts. Karena itu, jangan anggap enteng bila muncul tanda kemerahan atau benjolan di payudara. Another sign to watch is the change in the nipple, appeared fluid (in women who are not breastfeeding), accompanied by much less itching.

4. Bleeding
Resulting in bleeding between menstrual periods should have checked into the doctor. "If not previously appeared vlek blood and now suddenly there is, then it could be something abnormal," said Debbie Saslow, Phd, director of breast and gynecologic cancer at the American Cancer Society.

5. Skin changes
Be careful with mole or lump on the skin. If further widened, not symmetrical, uneven color or berkoreng, there is the possibility it was a skin cancer. The main cause of skin cancer is ultraviolet light and chemicals, as well as human papilloma virus infection.

6. It is hard to swallow
Complaints difficult to swallow is usually associated with disorders of the throat. However, symptoms of difficulty in swallowing can also be a sign of more serious problems, such as colon cancer.

Although not specific, but gastrointestinal cancers at early stages often have symptoms of heartburn, difficulty in swallowing, vomiting blood, weight loss, gastrointestinal bleeding, and anemia.

7. Changes in the mouth
According to the American Cancer Society, smokers need to be aware of the emergence of white patches on the tongue or mucous plaque in the mouth, because it could be a sign of pre-cancerous condition called leukoplakia can develop into cancer of the mouth.

8. Coughing up blood
Lung cancer symptoms may include coughing, shortness of breath, and bloody sputum. Symptoms arising from lung cancer is usually in accordance with the spread of cancer in the affected organs. For example if the spread to the brain, it can cause headache, seizures, or disorders of consciousness. While the bone, can cause pain and fractures.

9. Obscure fever
If the child lethargic and pale, the fever is not clear why, bleeding in the skin or gums, a lump in the body or head, pain in the limbs, abdomen swollen or hard, the parents should be alert and immediately took him to the doctor. It could be a symptom of leukemia (blood cancer) or cancer of lymphoma (lymph nodes).

Tiens Product for best reduce cancer :
Chitosan Capsules & Muncord Capsules
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