Wednesday, June 10, 2009

To Learn Upline Vision

In our network, despite the presence of physical upline Bronze Lion is very rare, as the network business is quite large, but the more info from our upline will hold no stopping, a upline vision that is very we need. Upline and always be able to give concrete evidence that our prospects give convince us, that if concern Tiens business and diseriusi seriously, the result does not lose business with the other conventional.

Even in the business have a network Tiens business overseas because of the potential market that is very big. One proof of our upline, Bronze Lion Indonesia, Mr. Alexander Bramanto (Joint with young brother BL Indonesia Mr. AB. Wijaya Mercy Achiever Tiens 2006) in addition to already get a reward free luxury car from a Car Tiens Mercy C320 Sport also he can buy the car new Audi TT. Not intend showroom or the other, merely to provide evidence that the network business is feasible in owerfull to change the future of the family to become more qualified.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Inspiration "300" Movies

On upline mentor is a business consultant and should be followed by the network, network dibisnis upline active life and is the source of inspiration. One inspirastion of the show to us all, taken the positive side of the film "300". If you are watching the film certainly peers may take a little more positive and the benefit to the development of our business.

How, a leader with only 300 people a number of soldiers can survive long against the opponent and the number of gempuran many times. Mutually help each other overcome obstacles and without any iota of sense of vibration. Seeing the sense of self esteem and confidence that depth with ability itself

Similarly in this business, especially with the beginningof this business. The most painful is the " Rejection Rocket" especially the rejection of kin or a friend near us. But trust, we only need to membiasakannya. It's odd, if this business without rejection. Movie "300" with the conditions that face different obstacles that insistently, defend "their" or "we" who fell first. We should maintain what we believe and we consider correct, we are not fighting for us but for those who love us. Parents who wait for the success of their children, wife / husband does not mind that we fail, our children expect of a better quality.

The positive I can take from the film 300 is, do not despair of any kind before we devote all our efforts and ability. Failure is success delayed, the process for the Go. Forget the negative voices that bersliweran around us. Obstacles and constraints wherever there is certainly, not only in this business, do not focus on failure, but still focus on success. Always remember the message upline "if you want to forget the reason of success, but if the focus on the reasons for success forget." Success for us all. Go Diamond!

Unemployment Risk for Disease

Global crisis has not ended. More and more companies are experiencing a loss and forced to roll mats. Although various efforts have been made so that people do not drag the circle in the global economic crisis is prolonged, but only termination of employment (PHK)can be choose. In connection with the increasing number of unemployed as a result of economic recession, a latest research results indicate that either lost their jobs due to the termination of employment or because of resignation, the more risk an officer of the disease.

According to research conducted in the United States, although employees can easily find a new job back, but the risk of emerging diseases such as hypertension, heart attack, liver, stroke and diabetes, as a result of job loss appears to increase. "In economic conditions like at this time, termination of employment could befall anybody," said Kate Strully, researchers from Harvard School of Public Health.
"We need to alert the health consequences that occur due to loss of job and do that we can do to prevent the growth effect is negative," he added.

Research conducted based on data from non-United States national survey, U.S. Panel Study of Income Dynamicsa from 1999, 2001 and 2003, this involves a number of employees who worked as a manager, sales, personnel administration, staff and machine operators in the field of services.

From the results of the research found that workers who look bad health condition, 40 percent of them are victims of PHK. For those who lost their jobs, either because the sack or resign, the level of disease risk will be increased to 54 percent. Even though they came back to work, the risk of experiencing stress will still occur and have increased. In addition, Job Churning is defined as the level of loss of employment but low levels of high unemployment, have negative health consequences for workers who previously did not hurt.

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