Sunday, March 07, 2010

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Weight Problems, Create Frustrated Youth

Body image and weight become a problem most women. And it turned out, teenagers are no different. They are putting out these issues in various ways, including eating behavior everyday. Nutrition affects everything from appearance to the ability to learn. Nutrition simply functioned as what keeps us alive, but actually, it means more than that. Baby's nutritional needs to the attention of many parents. Unfortunately, as age increases, attention began to fade. As they stepped on the school to teenagers, parents no longer give the same attention. Most opinion, kids eat free of any type of food you want. As a result, child and adolescent obesity mostly found around us. In fact, the understanding of a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet is important for teenagers to prevent them from risky behavior in controlling weight.

Risky eating behavior

Even teenagers who consider her slim, they still diet, brings back the food (bulimia), loss of appetite at all (anorexia), or use laxatives to maintain or lose weight according to his ambition. The problem is this behavior affects the balance of nutrients in the body of a teenager who is still in the growing bones and brain. These risk behaviors have long-term consequences and short-term.

Teenagers need guidance

Like other issues, your teenager is not enough to grow, so that still need attention and guidance. Between the uncertainty in making decisions about interests and feelings, teens need their parents to provide feedback about balanced nutrition and remain physically active. Children need to be reminded that eating healthy is one of life skills.

Stay alert

Change your child's behavior about eating and food, as well as other risky behavior, convey a signal that you have to keep watching. Alert to the appearance, mood, and food intake.

And like other behavior, the method of approach "role model" is a great way to teach them about balance and control to eat a healthy weight. As a parent, you must continue to care to help them learn to make good decisions.


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