Wednesday, February 26, 2014

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Height Enhancer Natural Nutrition

If you feel insecure and not confident because the body is not too high , do not rush to despair . In addition to diligently implement the sport and a healthy diet , there are some nutrients that can help you elevate the body .

Quoted from Boldsky , Wednesday ( 02/26/2014 ) The following nutrients can help you increase height :

1 . fish
Especially you are encouraged to consume fish that are rich in protein and vitamins . Fish such as salmon and tuna contain lots of vitamin D and proteins that can add height .

2 . eggs
Product of the chicken contains a lot of calcium and vitamin D. So , to add height as well as strengthening bones , do not forget to include hard-boiled eggs into your daily menu . Therefore , boiling is the best cooking method to retain vitamins and nutrients in eggs .

3 . Soy and tofu
In order for the bone to absorb calcium and vitamins faster , you need to consume soy products for example beans are processed into vegetable or soy milk . In addition , there is no harm in eating also know that low-fat but high in calcium . In addition to height increase , know also can help you lose weight .

4 . pumpkin seeds
This intake is useful for repairing body tissue and helps the formation of new tissue . In addition , the amino acids in pumpkin seeds can add height .

5 . Carrots and spinach
The content of vitamin A in carrots can maintain levels of calcium so that bones become strong and healthy . While spinach , with green dyes to give the body plenty of vitamins and nutrients to help strengthen your bones .

6 . milk
Calcium is essential for the growth and maintenance of strong bones , plus milk is also rich in vitamin A that can keep calcium in the bones . You are encouraged to drink two to three glasses of milk every day for optimal bone growth .

7 . Bananas and green beans
Bananas can help keep your bones strong and healthy . By eating bananas on a regular basis , in addition to increase height , the fruit is also good for digestion . Meanwhile , green beans contain minerals that can build up in the bone tissue , increasing bone growth , also increases the blood flow in the body .

8 . Chickens and yogurt
Chicken is the highest source of protein where the protein can build muscle tissue and the body . Other protein sources are yogurt that is rich in calcium . In addition to containing vitamins A , B , D , and E, which help add height , yogurt is also good for digestion .


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