Saturday, March 15, 2014

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Want a Healthy Pregnancy? Drink Vitamins 3 Months Before Pregnancy

The use of vitamins during pregnancy is often emphasized recently by many obstetricians . Because these vitamins can nourish not only mothers , but also the fetus inside the womb .

However, the use of these vitamins must not be arbitrary . There are a few things to remember before taking the vitamin. One of them is to eat them three months before pregnancy occurs . Why ?

" Prenatal vitamins contain folic acid, which prevents the opening of the spine or known as spina bifida , " said Dr. Mary Rosser , an assistant professor of Montefiore Medical Center in New York , United States .

Spina bifida is a congenital disorder that makes the spine in the lower back does not close completely . If the open hole is large enough, it will make the spine sticking out . This disorder occurs when the fetus reaches the age of 28 days .

This includes a rare phenomenon in which only 1 of 1,000 births were experienced . One of them experienced by Arshid Ali Khan from India . The boy is worshiped as the incarnation of the monkey god Hanuman .

The benefits of taking vitamins early pregnancy is not only that , because of prenatal vitamins also have other benefits . Folic acid is contained in the vitamin was found to reduce the risk of children suffering from autism at birth .

" 50 percent of unplanned pregnancies occur properly . Therefore , consumption of vitamins 3 months before pregnancy is the right thing , " said Michele McRae , Senior Director of Research , Formulation and Quality of Rainbow Light , one of the suppliers of prenatal vitamins on FoxNews

So what if they are already taking vitamins but not pregnant? Is it not dangerous?

McRae explained that it is not harmful. Prenatal vitamins contain the same content as most other food vitamin supplements, only slightly larger dose.

But it should be remembered that only vitamin supplements. Therefore, for the mineral nutrition and sufficient, the mothers or mothers who are pregnant should still be eating healthy foods.

"Vitamin a supplement that helps you. So that is not a substitute for food items such as fruit or vegetables," said Dr. Rosser.


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