Friday, March 21, 2014

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Food That Can Reduce High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure also called hypertension hypertension in which there are two kinds namely hypertension and hypertension efensial functional for more information about hypertension or high blood pressure can be found in our article entitled definition of hypertension .

High blood pressure can appear suddenly without any why , it could be due to aging , smoking , too much salt intake , heredity , obesity , stress and a lot of drinking alcohol , lack of vitamin D.

However, the factors of food that we consume every day can also , therefore we should be able to maintain your diet and what we eat everyday . There are also foods that can reduce high blood pressure , for example leaves and also fruit mangosteen peel rind and also the soursop leaves .

The requirements that have to be done before we eat if you want to reduce hypertension , among others :

    Fruits and vegetables should be washed before we eat it first
    Fruits and vegetables should be fresh
    At the time of making the juice , drink the juice as soon as possible
    Cleaning hands before eating

People with high blood forbidden to eat instant noodles , margarine , pickles , high-fat milk , bacon , and fried chicken pieces . Healthy food for those with hypertension or high blood pressure sufferers include: sunflower seeds , spinach , bananas , nuts , soy , dark chocolate , potatoes , avocados .

We should really keep your diet especially for you who have high blood pressure , for us who do not have high blood pressure should also keep what foods we consume daily , remember health begins with what we eat every day .


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