Tuesday, November 14, 2006

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Tiens Diacont (Diabetes Control)

Diabetes Control very useful as nutrition to all diabetes patient.Diabetic (Diabetes Mellitus), someone consider positively diabetic when in its body doesn’t have enough insulin. This insulin produces by beta cell in pancreas which is taking vitamin as source of food which is needed by body through the ingestion. For the diabetic patient, any food nutrition’s can not be absorb by the cell in the body nicely and rather castaway through the urine. The body of the diabetic patient very weak and easy to be infected by chronically skin disease, and tend to have highest risk of seriously infected and cause to death.

Till now, there is no drug able to heal Diabetes. Diacont is a new discovery which is a mixture between garden flora by spirulina to overcome the diabetes disease. The way of Diacont work is by detoxifications poison in blood and improve the body immune system so it can decrease the diabetic symptom.Diacont is a health food with high protein added and also with any other substance extract from very crop plant which is very good for diabetes patient. The source of protein in Diacont obtained from green algae of Spirulina which contains of vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 and E.

If Diacont consumed regularly it is very useful to repair the function of spleen work (Pancreas) so that create insulin and be able to produce the energy which are needed by the body. Diacont can help to lessen the sugar level in blood, to control over consumptions, to increase the body immune system, preventing from the skin infections, preventing from a serious bleed and also to boost up the weak body stamina.

Diacont is very safe to be consumed by all age level because it doesn't have the side effects for a along term usage. Every Diacont capsule contains 80% of Spirulina and 20% of extract sedum.

Antrospira sp. 300mg, Sedum sp. 75mg.

Help to endure the diabetes symptom.It doesn't contain sugar, yeast, essence, and preservative.Keep it in the cool and dry place.

Diabetic patient only which have been specified by doctor. During the medication please consultancy with your doctor periodically.

Take two capsules twice a day, after meal or according to doctor fomentation.


Ali Ahmed said...

I know it is a effective product but a long time ago it is short from tiens outlets in pakistan

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