Tuesday, August 04, 2009

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Baking soda For Magical Kidney Disease

Baking soda as you know the materials to make the cake, now also can be used to reduce pain in people with kidney failure. Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate can be drastically slow the slowdown in part on the kidney function of patients. This result presented by researchers from the Royal London Hospital. Each year, around 400 people with kidney failure died due to waiting too long from the kidney transplant donors be regarded a little. It is long since the doctors are considering using baking soda for people with kidney disease who generally lack bicarbonate, or a condition called metabolic acidosis.

Research that has been published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN) involved 134 patients who suffered from cronic kidney disease (CKD) or chronic kidney disease with a low bicarbonate level. As the main form of treatment, and patients given sodium bicarbonate in the tablet form of a small dose each day. After more than a year of use, setbacks kidney function can be reduced about 2 / 3 lower than other patients not given sodium bicarbonate. They also even have some improvements to the size of nutrition.

"Drugs such as sodium bicarbonate simple if used with a duly akan very effective," said Professor Magdi Yaqoob, from the Royal London Hospital."These results indicate that baking soda can be very useful for people with kidney failure," he added again.

Tiens Supplement for Kidney Failure :
  1. Muncord Capsules
  2. Tiens Vitality Capsules
Baking soda as you know the materials to make the cake, now also can be used to reduce pain in people with kidney failure. Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate can be drastically slow the slowdown in part on the kidney function of patients. This result dikemukan by researchers from the Royal London Hospital. Each year, around 400 people with kidney failure died due to waiting too long from the kidney transplant donors be regarded a little. It is long since the doctors are considering using baking soda for people with kidney disease who generally lack bicarbonate, or a condition called metabolic acidosis.

Research that has been published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN) involved 134 patients who suffered from cronic kidney disease (CKD) or chronic kidney disease with a low bicarbonate level. As the main form of treatment, and patients given sodium bicarbonate in the tablet form of a small dose each day. After more than a year of use, setbacks kidney function can be reduced about 2 / 3 lower than other patients not given sodium bicarbonate. They also even have some improvements to the size of nutrition.

"Drugs such as sodium bicarbonate simple if used with a duly akan very effective," said Professor Magdi Yaqoob, from the Royal London Hospital."These results indicate that baking soda can be very useful for people with kidney failure," he added again.

Tiens Product for Kidney Disease :
  1. Muncord Capsules
  2. Vitality Softgel Capsules


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