Monday, March 29, 2010

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Emotions Trigger By Fast Food

You are among those who quickly get angry when waiting for the computer on, or upset because you do not open emails quickly? Although it only takes approximately 30 seconds. If so, chances are you belong to people who can not wait. We have people who live in the modern world quite quickly fly off the handle and difficult to be patient. One of the factors causing the difficulty to be patient, according to a study the University of Toronto is the consumption of fast food.

"Fast food has been representing the current culture which takes a quick and instant gratification" says Chen-Bo Zhong, researchers from the University of Toronto as reported by LiveScience, Sunday (28 / 3). The emergence of fast-food restaurant industry has influenced the culture of modern society. The principle is to create ideas fast food because of hunger and that a few times as if required to eat fast and get it over with in a short time. It was also carried in other activities.

Zhong pointed out, people will go faster when trying to pursue a meeting with colleagues. People see things based on what needs to be done quickly. Meanwhile, other researchers Sanford DeVoe also revealed a similar thing, that fast food is one way that allows one to save time, but the effect is one to be impatient.


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