Monday, August 23, 2010


Inhalers Increase Risk of Prostate Cancer

For patients with asthma, an inhaler or inhaler can be a helper first when they experience shortness of breath. However, men who use these drugs regularly big chance of prostate cancer.
The team of scientists in Melbourne, Australia found that men with asthma who use inhalers to potentially enhance tumor growth by 40 percent compared with men who do not suffer from asthma. While users of other types of inhalers, such as bronchodilator, 36 percent higher risk of this disease.

Research that has been published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, the medical history is based on an analysis of the 1179 people who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and who have a history of asthma. Initially, they were investigating possible links between asthma and prostate cancer, because both involve inflammation in the body. The survey results revealed, only to have asthma, men have a risk of esophageal tumors up to 25 percent. This risk could be higher if they were users of inhalers. Even according to the research, cancer risk can be increased up to 70 percent in patients with severe asthma often require treatment with steroid tablets or injections.

However, cancer experts stressed that these new findings is a preliminary findings of a small study. Need to do larger studies that examine the relationship between asthma, inhalers and prostate cancer, before a change in use of asthma medications may be considered.

"These results are still quite weak and could be a statistical coincidence," said Dr Jodie Moffat, of Cancer Research. The same opinion expressed by an expert on asthma in the UK, Dr. Elaine Vickers. He urged that people with asthma not to stop taking medicine or stop using the inhaler according to which has been recommended by their physician.

"This study shows that there may be a weak correlation between asthma and risk of prostate cancer. But even if this is true, this association is marginal, and there is no reason for men to worry about asthma," said Dr. Elaine, as quoted from the Daily Mail.

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Sunday, August 08, 2010

Attitude VS Leisure Zone

Since most of us already know what it is attitude, let's talk about the comfort zone:

Mental comfort zone is a place surrounded by the boundaries of our minds where we feel safe. Despite this comfort area and its boundaries is just a state of mind that has no relation to reality, it plays a big roll in our development progress. Because of limited comfort zone, not much benefit to you in your comfort zone, but what you already are and have. Nothing new will happen until you open up and leave your comfort zone.

As long as you still have the same beliefs, you can not grow and you can not expect new things in your life. When you change your beliefs will change the thoughts, feelings and actions, and then you can grow and thrive in all aspects of your life.

Although the background can affect your current situation, what really matters is not where you were born, color, race, age, sex, religion, government, or even the poor environment in which you have lived for many years, but what really matters and makes a big difference in your life is your attitude, to understand your comfort zone, how you limit yourself in it, who you are, why you behave as you did it, and especially where you are going.

Unfortunately many people do not go anywhere because they remain within their comfort zone. They accept defeat after defeat before even trying or knowing how valuable it is able or actually them. This situation is not the cause of our actual situation but rather comfort and poverty from our minds and also because we are a broken spirit. Leave your past, always beyond your comfort zone! Past your comfort zone is nothing but a useless burden you do not need to take him at all.

Take as much as it needs constant action and never surrendered. Like Napoleon Hill says, "a quitter never wins and a winner never stops. The defeat was never fails, no state which is the failure to be accepted by the individual as a failure. " Whatever you think, you feel, and therefore what you feel is the way you act, and this action is what will determine how far would you go and how you will be the future. Cheer you, do not let the background of your comfort zone, or other external circumstances to defeat your spirit.

Nothing is impossible for an optimistic attitude, anything is possible when we begin to open ourselves to believe, when we have a burning desire to succeed and foolhardy determination to realize our dreams, anything is possible if we do not take no for an answers.

Do not be afraid of change, life itself is a change, growth, and despite the possibility of a painful, necessary changes. This change will bring you to a place full of new things, blessings and satisfaction, all are for better circumstances. Just focus and just live with passion, focus on the things you want and what makes you happy. Just believe in yourself, open-minded, open to change, simple, flexible and take action.

Copyright © 2009 Eduardo Dominguez
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