Wednesday, September 28, 2011

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Apparently Women More Vulnerable Affected Stroke!

How many times have you checked cholesterol and blood pressure you in a year? Then, what about diet and your lifestyle during this? Good enough or still 'random' as usual?

If, the first answer you never answer at all and secondly you are still 'at random' as usual. So should you start wary of a stroke. Perhaps the bad news conveyed by the American Stroke Association can make you start a healthy lifestyle from now on. Recently the American Stroke Association revealed the fact that now a stroke that has been much dominated by men has now changed the pattern!

Through a long series of studies, health experts discovered that the current American than men, it turns out women are more susceptible to stroke. Even a stroke against women this led to much more severe.

Some causes of stroke are common in these women is high cholesterol in the blood that caused the blockage, so the blood pressure is also unstable. "We found that women, especially those aged 45 to 54 years is potentially twice the stroke than men. That is why we suggested to the women who enter their 30s to start a diet and a healthy lifestyle. We recommend that women consume lots of fruits and vegetables in their daily menu. because both food This can reduce the risk of stroke by 6%. not only that perbanyaklah consumption of fresh fish, for omega 3 in fish can help improve circulation in the blood, "said one researcher told Reuters, com.

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