Saturday, October 08, 2011

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Why When Sick Flu Must Drink Lots?

When someone is hit by the flu or a cold, then in addition to taking medication he was also advised to drink a lot. What is the reason people should consume plenty of fluids during the flu?

If someone had a cold, then the suggestion is that he will receive plenty of rest and too much to drink. Apparently this suggestion was not a figment, as many as cold drink can help maintain body fluids and overcome the flu.

Flu is a common disease during the transition season or rainy season. Although not a serious disease, the symptoms of flu are very disturbing daily activities, such as nasal congestion, runny nose, cough and fever.

As quoted from the NYTimes, on Wednesday (01/12/2011) theoretically, consume plenty of fluids better than water or juice can help replace lost fluids due to fever and respiratory tract mengevaporasi. These conditions will help loosen the mucus that makes someone feel better.

In addition, the water consumed can also serve to help cleanse the body system and eliminating toxins. Although it is uncertain whether this fluid intake can reduce the severity of the infection or not.

Getting adequate rest is also important to do when the flu. This is because most of the flu are caused by viruses that can actually heal itself if a person has a strong immune system.

Although there are certain foods that can reduce flu symptoms and speeding recovery. But actually there are also foods that actually should be avoided when it is cold like sweet foods, milk and meat.

By doing enough rest, drink plenty of water and eating nutritious food, a person will have a strong immune system to fight the flu virus in the body and reduce infection.


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