Friday, October 14, 2011

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Prevent Stroke and Heart Attack With karaoke

Your karaoke hobby? This activity is fun to do especially with friends. Not only fun, berkaroeke in a club or pub was also healthy.

Recent research says, that karaoke with friends, family or coworkers can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

According to the researchers, Professor Takeshi Tanigawa from Ehime University, Japan, karaoke is the right choice for workers to remove fatigue and eliminate the stress of work routines.

When he was singing indirectly someone will manage his breathing regularly. This is very good and useful to relax the nerves of tense and accelerate blood circulation. Thus the attack of heart disease and strokes that occur due to blockage of blood vessels will be less risky.

In addition, the applause from the friends and colleagues after the singing is also a form of support that can raise a person's spirit and confidence. This will automatically help relax the tension they experience.

"After singing, they will usually receive applause. This is very good, as a form of support from the social environment and can help to forget the incident that made ​​them stressful, "he said.

Studies have been published in Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research of this, involving 19 356 respondents aged 40-69 years. The study also found that those who once received less support from their social environment, a healthy lifestyle is very low. Generally they tend to be lazy to exercise, do not have a job and rarely do medical check-up.


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