Wednesday, September 05, 2012

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Vitamin is important that Whole Sperm DNA

Consumption of foods and supplements such as vitamin C, E, folate and zinc mentioned beneficial to improve the quality of sperm DNA in older men. Similarly, as noted in a study by the U.S. Department of Energy, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab).

This study analyzed 80 healthy male volunteers aged 22 sampa 80 years. Seen that men with more than 44 years of age who consumed vitamin C, had 20 percent fewer sperm DNA damage compared with men who consumed less vitamin C. The same is true for vitamin E, zinc, and folic acid.
But note, the young man micronutrient intake of higher type does not improve the quality of their sperm DNA.

"We found that men aged 44 and older who consume certain micronutrients, have the same number of sperm with DNA damage as the sperm of men who were younger," says Andy Wyrobek of Berkeley Lab's Life Sciences Division, as quoted from Zeenews (30/8).

Unfortunately, despite the scientists found a clear link between higher vitamin intake and improved the quality of sperm DNA in elderly men, they do not know whether this relationship extends to fertility problems.


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