Monday, May 16, 2011

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Sit Can Kill You!

Sitting all day is bad for your health. In addition to being overweight, you become weak. Even different types of diseases threaten you. A study is able to solve the codes why some people become obese when they eat too much and others do not do not get fat even though they ate the same amount. Fat people who become obese because they sit all day. And people are not fat, not much sitting. Importantly, the difference between fat and no fat in this study has nothing to do with sports. None of the people in this study were allowed to exercise.

The people who are not obese do not exercise, they do not spend much time sitting. Instead, they stood up, walked. They use the stairs instead of elevators. Sitting not only make you fat. It makes you sick. Why sit very bad for you? This is what happens when you sit down. Electrical activity in muscles down. "The muscles become silent as the dead horse," said Hamilton researchers. Which leads to dangerous metabolic effects. Calorie burning level you jump quickly around one per minute, one-third if you get up and running.

The effectiveness of insulin fell in one day, and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases. So is the risk of obesity. The enzymes responsible for breaking down fats and triglycerides, to suck the fat out of the bloodstream, were dropped which in turn causes the level of good (HDL) cholesterol decreased. Hamilton examine how quickly silence can be dangerous. In research with mice that were forced to inactivity, for example, he found that the leg muscles that are responsible for standing almost lost more than 75 percent of the ability to remove dangerous lipo-protein from the blood. To show the ill effects of sitting, Hamilton also recruited 14 volunteers, youth who fit and thin. He noted 40 percent decline in the ability of insulin to take glucose in subjects after 24 hours of settling.

Over a lifetime, sit really can kill you:
Men who sit 6 hours a day 20% more likely to die than men who sit 3 hours a day
Women who sit 6 hours a day 40% more likely to die

You really need to stop sitting for long. Or at least start moving.

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