Thursday, June 09, 2011

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6 Secrets of Longevity and Healthy Always

Always wanted to live healthy, long life, and if you can not ever be bothered disease? Actually, this is not something that is impossible. Even by those who have a daily schedule of high workload. All it takes is a commitment to run these things on a regular basis and make it part of our lives. What are they? Let's see:

1. More often than up and down stairs
A study conducted the University of Geneva found that the habit of using the stairs can reduce the risk of death at a young age due to anything, up to 15 percent. Also, doing this regularly for 12 weeks may also increase lung capacity, and lower blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.

2. Eat more apples
Recent research from the University of Hong Kong found that the antioxidants in apples, namely polyphenols, can maintain health with age, and to extend our lives. According to investigators, the apple is rich in powerful antioxidants to fight free radicals, which has a role in causing various diseases. Meanwhile, another study found that women who eat apples regularly have a 13-22 percent lower risk of heart attack and stroke.

3. Meditation 15 minutes a day
Research published in the Journal of Neuroscience shows, they are diligent in meditation for five full years, have a biological age is about 12 years younger than actual age. Another study conducted by the anti-aging expert, Dr. Vincent Giampapa, found that regular meditation can reduce levels of the hormone cortisol by 47 percent. Meanwhile, the hormone DHEA, which helps the body to be immune from the disease, also rose by 44 percent. Meditation also been shown to increase the production of melatonin, which in turn will improve the quality of sleep and mood, and improve fertility and stamina, to 98 percent!

4. So voluntary workers
A study is underway in the United States studied 1,500 people who in 1921 aged about 10 years. Results of data analysis about the life of the respondents conducted by researchers from the University of California shows, feeling safe and secure due to the attention of people around did not have much effect on your longevity. Even more significant contributions was the habit of helping others.

5. Eating raw vegetables every day
Studies conducted in Italy found that eating one cup of raw vegetables every day can add two years at our age. The cooking process can eliminate the levels of antioxidants in several types of vegetables, up to 30 percent. By eating raw vegetables every day, you will be able to achieve a healthier nutritional intake.

6. Sleep at least six and a half hours every night
Rest periods of less than five hours is not enough, while more than eight hours is considered excessive. That is the result of research published in the journal Sleep Medicine. In addition, the study conducted in San Diego found that women who slept less than five hours a day or more than six and a half hours a day have a lower life expectancy than in that corridor.

Source: msnbc


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