Friday, January 21, 2011

[Tips] Banish Flu From Our Body

Rainy season arrives. Usually, the disease is easily spread the flu this season, even if you only shake hands with someone with flu. So, consider the easiest way to avoid the body from the flu virus. A recent study showed that washing hands or using a sterilizing solution can benefit a lot more to stop the spread of flu.

The study, held at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Virginia are also shown, the spread of flu virus not only through physical contact. Contact with objects that were previously untouched flu sufferers as well cause you got the flu.

Remember, the flu virus is short-lived. Flu viruses can retain its power to spread the disease up to three hours after the stick and dry. And, do not scrub the nose and eyes tanpa tissue or tool wipes, as this is the source of mucus that is full of the flu virus. It is quoted from Thirdage.

Instead, you are not close to the people who have the flu. The research team analyzed the married couples where one partner (husband / wife) has the flu. The result, as much as 38 percent of healthy couples who contracted the flu from her partner.

So, if your family members got the flu and you want to avoid the transmission, refer to tip:

1. Ask them to cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
2. Ask them to wash their hands frequently and in the right way.
3. Never touch the mouth, nose, or eyes without washing your hands.
4. You also should avoid personal items that are shared, such as toiletries, towels, and pillows.

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2. Tiens Linze Spore Capsules

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Anti Aging With Wine

Grapes contain flavonoids, which is an antioxidant that will help slow the aging process caused by free radicals. The grapes are also rich in vitamins A, C, B6, folate, and essential minerals (potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and selenium). So, eat grapes because of instant energy source is able to keep up appearances look younger. Want to know more about wine for health benefits? Consider the following list:


Wine that combines power and increase the humidity in the lungs.


Red wine contains a powerful antibacterial and antiviral so it can protect the body from infection.


Wine can improve brain health and protect it from attacks such as Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, the wine contains resveratol, a polyphenol that will reduce the level of amyloidal-beta peptides in Alzheimer's.

Breast cancer

Purple grape juice can prevent breast cancer that significantly reduce tumor mass in the breast.


Wine contains organic acids, sugars, and cellulose that acts as a laxative.


Grape juice contains instant energy. And white grape juice is rich in iron to reduce fatigue.

Heart disease

Nitric oxide will increase once you eat grapes are useful to prevent clots and reduce the risk of heart disease. The antioxidants also stop the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, aka bad cholesterol that block blood vessels.


Wine removing the heat and cure indigestion and irritation of the stomach.


Setap grape juice consumed in the morning will help cure migraines.

Kidney Disorders

Wine is able to get rid of acid in renal system that would reduce the pressure in the kidney disorder.

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Tiens Grape Extract Capsules

Monday, January 10, 2011


Cholesterol Dangers

Cholesterol is a fatty substance made in the liver from saturated fat foods. Too much cholesterol in the blood increases the risk of coronary artery disease. Dr Miriam Stoppard The following reviews in his book titled "Health Guide family" about the cholesterol that can be your guide to maintain health.

Cholesterol is divided into two main forms:

- Low-sensity lipoprotein (LDL) carry cholesterol from the liver to the cells in the body, including arteries.

- High-density lipoprotein (HDL), which return excess cholesterol to the liver.

LDL is the body's natural enemies. High LDL levels is a serious risk factor for coronary artery disease, especially if your HDL is low. HDL actually profitable, and high levels of HDL is very good for your health. Therefore you should have high levels of HDL and low LDL levels.

The role of diet is also important. A diet high in saturated fat, (eg, animal fat, especially from high-fat dairy products) raise levels of LDL and lower HDL-contrary to your goal. On the other hand, by changing the saturated fat into unsaturated fat (oil) you will reverse this trend. Blood cholesterol levels an average person living in Britain was 5.8 mmol / L (millimoles of cholesterol per 1 liter of blood). This is higher compared with other countries. For example, in China the average is 3.2 mmol / L. If your examination results above 5.8 mmol / L, the doctor will ask you to minimize it by changing diet and lifestyle, and may prescribe medication.

Cholesterol is only one risk factor for heart disease. If you have any other factors, such as smoking, obesity, or high blood pressure, these risk factors multiply your chances of having a heart attack.

About 1 in 10 people having high blood cholesterol levels due to a derivative condition called congenital hyperlipidemia. If the disorder is untreated, coronary artery disease and heart attacks will occur at a very young age.

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