Wednesday, March 30, 2011

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Coffee That Protect Heart

There is the belief that coffee can cause heart palpitations. However, a recent study found that drinking four cups of coffee a day actually protect the heart from distractions. In this study, researchers included more than 130,000 men and women. Those who drank four or more cups of coffee a day had a decreased risk of being treated to the hospital due to heart problems by 18 percent. Those who drank between one and three cups of experience as much as seven percent risk reduction.

This study, according to researcher Dr. Arthur Klatsky of Kaiser Permanente health insuransi company, does not prove that coffee protects the heart, but found a positive relationship.
"Drinking coffee associated with a reduced risk of hospitalized due to heart rhythm disturbances. But not a cause-effect relationship," said Klatsky, as quoted site.
Klatsky believes that moderate doses of caffeine can help the heart by inhibiting the action of the chemical adenosine, which can cause rhythm disturbances.

Although the study did not recommend people drink coffee to prevent heart rhythm disturbances, bright Klatsky, but this study suggests that people with heart rhythm disorders or who are at risk do not need to avoid coffee.
"These data again to convince the people who drink a moderate amount of coffee that their habit is unlikely to trigger a heart rhythm disorder."

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