Friday, August 26, 2011

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Human Contaminated Nickel Nanoparticles Trigger Risk Lung Cancer

Scientists at Brown University suggests new research that humans are contaminated with nickel nanoparticles increased risk of lung cancer. Nanoparticles have a very small diameter, so it easily penetrates the human body through almost all the membranes, can even enter through the skin.

Many protective measures to prevent such things as the use of masks. Over the last few years, so much ease that obtained by using nanotechnology, but some scientists decided to investigate all the effects of particles generated by nanotechnology. The issue of whether or not nanoparticles are safe for human populations has not been fully established.

Recent research by a team from the various branches of science which is based in Brown analyzed the effect of nickel nanoparticles and determined that the nanoparticles tend to lead to the development of cancer in the lung.

The results of this study have been published in detail on toxicological journal Science. Scientists from Brown, Agnes Kane, who is also senior author of the research paper states that nanotechnology does have tremendous potential, but we must recognize the potential danger caused. This could be early prevention of lung cancer risk.

Kane also explained that nickel does not act directly on lung cells. In contrast, the ions generated at the surface of the nanoparticles tend to activate the cellular pathway called HIF-1 alpha, which has been shown to promote tumor growth.

"By activating this pathway, the nickel can lead to dangerous tumor cells that starts from the head," he said.

The researcher explained that the nickel nanoparticles are risk factors for cancer of the lung. But they do not have a clear cause. Lung cancer usually develops as a result of various risk factors that come together in a combination.

Kane also recommends greater care of the nanoparticles from now. For example, Kane was trying to protect his team from the content of harmful contamination in the laboratory while doing research.

"I do not want people exposed to dangerous contamination of nickel nanoparticles. We handle it as if the nanoparticles are the causes of cancer that many flying in the air," he concluded.

Nanotechnology itself is usually used in the steel industry, decorative coatings, polymer industry, sports equipment, textiles, ceramics, pharmaceutical industry and medicine, transportation, water industry, electronics and beauty. While nanoparticles are most often used to make sporting equipment that is more robust and efficient high, for example racket.

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