Tuesday, August 30, 2011

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Migraine Headache

The disease is more suffered by women. Migraine is a disease that attacks the brain and cause pain, both physical and emotional. Dilation of blood vessels and inflammation of the brain is one of why the head pain. Although not known for sure the cause, usually the disease is a disease that was revealed. What you can do is try to prevent the occurrence of headache attacks and reduce pain when the attack occurred. Sometimes the attacks are not only attacking one side of the head, but attacked both sides of the head. Before the pulse strike the head, usually the patient will experience symptoms such as seeing a sealed light-flicker or commonly referred to see stars, to see dark spots, wavy, saw things become smaller, sensitive to the sight and sound, or tingling in hands and feet. Emotionally, you'll experience symptoms such as anxiety, easily offended, or stress. These symptoms are not always identified because each migraine sufferer may experience symptoms differently.  

Migraine Triggers

One way to avoid migraine attacks is by knowing what the cause of the attack. It is important to know the triggers that can cause migraine attacks. Avoiding the triggers means that the likelihood of migraine. Some triggers of migraines include:  
Changes in estrogen
The hormone estrogen found in many women can trigger migraines. Especially when the number of estogen is not stable, for example at the time before and during menstruation, during pregnancy, contraceptive use, or if you are undergoing hormone therapy.  
Stimulation of the body senses
The light is too bright, too loudly, or a particular smell was terrible like the smell of perfume and cigarette smoke can be a trigger.  
Changes in weather
Extreme weather changes or the erratic and changes in air pressure can be a migraine trigger.  
Unusual sleep schedule
If your sleep pattern is not as usual. For example, a short period of sleep and even sleeping too long can make you experience a migraine. If you're new to travel, jet lag can also be the cause. Fatigue Exercise or physical activity that is heavier than normal may increase the likelihood of migraine. Food and Beverage The content contained in foods and beverages can be a trigger. Alcoholic beverages such as beer and wine or caffeine content found in coffee should be avoided. Mengkonsusmsi brown, old cheese, lots of foods that contain MSG or preservatives are also a migraine trigger.

Be Careful : Sweet Snacks Could Trigger Uterus Cancer

Sweet snacks such as biscuits and cakes are delicious eaten at any time. But be careful eating sweet foods could actually trigger an attack cervical cancer. Thus the results of recent research published in the medical journal Cancer Epidemiology, Bio markers and Prevention, recently. Based on the study women who consumed sweet snacks two to three times a week has the highest risk of getting cervical cancer by 33 percent. While those who consumed more than three times a week, then the risk of uterine cancer will increase to 42 percent.

The researchers describe the impact as does a simple thing, but it still needs further study. UK cancer experts also say that it is premature to draw conclusions. "The results of this study showed eating too much sugar in sugar-rich foods can increase the risk of uterine cancer. However, we need to see further results from other large studies before drawing firm conclusions," Cancer Research UK Information Manager, Yinka Ebo.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Tips on How to Overcome Insomnia

Are you an Insomniac? If yes, including Insomniac which one? Are you the type who just lay down and never get to sleep? or are you the type of insomnia that can fall asleep but was always restless when in bed?, if you include into the latter type, there may be hope for you.

Restless in bed, a genetic mutation: In a detailed study shows how a researcher found mutations in two genes that can memnberikan information on insomnia in order to improve. There are two genes control electrical stimulus to certain areas of the brain that contribute to sleep problems as well.

Insomnia, difficulty in identification: The most frequently suffer from insomnia sufferers of chronic fatigue. However it is possible for people with insomnia have a risk of depression. But not all cases of chronic fatigue and depression caused by insomnia, which makes it very difficult in the diagnosis of insomnia.

It is also difficult is for the moment, insomnia has been no "cure" that was quickly overcome the problem of insomnia. Many people who suffer from insomnia using sleeping pills to sleep kelelapan them, but the use of sleeping pills in the long run would be fatal to health.

Therapy also done much to cure insomnia, but it takes a long time so that insomnia can be resolved soon. There are 5 tips popular than Clinical Psychologist and Sleep Disorders Expert United States, Dr. Michael J Breus PhD so that your sleep quality:
  1. Create your leisurely hours before bedtime. Stop working. Whatever your day job, leave. Do something that can make you relax, like a warm bath of music interspersed with light, reading light reading material, or watching TV if it can relax you (avoid TV news).
  2. Go to bed and wake up at the same hour for 7 days.
  3. Schedule to exercise 30 minutes a day for a week. You could divide it in several times a day. For example, 10 minutes jogging before breakfast, 10 minutes at lunch, and 10 minutes at dinner time.
  4. Avoid caffeine after 2 pm. Nor should consume fizzy drinks and migraine headaches.
  5. Do a relaxation of body and mind such as meditation, yoga, relaxation or massage.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Human Contaminated Nickel Nanoparticles Trigger Risk Lung Cancer

Scientists at Brown University suggests new research that humans are contaminated with nickel nanoparticles increased risk of lung cancer. Nanoparticles have a very small diameter, so it easily penetrates the human body through almost all the membranes, can even enter through the skin.

Many protective measures to prevent such things as the use of masks. Over the last few years, so much ease that obtained by using nanotechnology, but some scientists decided to investigate all the effects of particles generated by nanotechnology. The issue of whether or not nanoparticles are safe for human populations has not been fully established.

Recent research by a team from the various branches of science which is based in Brown analyzed the effect of nickel nanoparticles and determined that the nanoparticles tend to lead to the development of cancer in the lung.

The results of this study have been published in detail on toxicological journal Science. Scientists from Brown, Agnes Kane, who is also senior author of the research paper states that nanotechnology does have tremendous potential, but we must recognize the potential danger caused. This could be early prevention of lung cancer risk.

Kane also explained that nickel does not act directly on lung cells. In contrast, the ions generated at the surface of the nanoparticles tend to activate the cellular pathway called HIF-1 alpha, which has been shown to promote tumor growth.

"By activating this pathway, the nickel can lead to dangerous tumor cells that starts from the head," he said.

The researcher explained that the nickel nanoparticles are risk factors for cancer of the lung. But they do not have a clear cause. Lung cancer usually develops as a result of various risk factors that come together in a combination.

Kane also recommends greater care of the nanoparticles from now. For example, Kane was trying to protect his team from the content of harmful contamination in the laboratory while doing research.

"I do not want people exposed to dangerous contamination of nickel nanoparticles. We handle it as if the nanoparticles are the causes of cancer that many flying in the air," he concluded.

Nanotechnology itself is usually used in the steel industry, decorative coatings, polymer industry, sports equipment, textiles, ceramics, pharmaceutical industry and medicine, transportation, water industry, electronics and beauty. While nanoparticles are most often used to make sporting equipment that is more robust and efficient high, for example racket.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

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Beware 15 Signs of Cancer

Cancer is a scourge for anyone. This disease sometimes appear at any time and can affect anyone, without giving any symptoms or signs of anything.

Among the many types of Cancer, there are no symptoms early in its development. Signs usually appear just after the cancer is growing rapidly. In fact, with alert and find the cancer early symptoms, course of treatment will be relatively easier.

If it's too late, the Cancer can spread to various organs and complicate the healing process. Therefore, it helps us recognize some of the following symptoms of cancer. Symptoms of cancer are extremely diverse and can vary in every state and every patient. At least 15 cancer symptoms you need to watch out for:

1. Changes in the breast

In women in particular, the breast is one of the most private organ. It is important to check the condition of the breast regularly. Lumps, thickening and discoloration of the skin becomes red warrant concern as an indication of cancer. Itching, peeling skin, or rash on the breast for weeks also should be aware. Other changes such as swelling of the breast skin, the skin is drawn into or contract should also be suspected as a symptom.

For men, vigilance must be applied because breast cancer can strike even though this is rare. Any lumps in the breast should have to watch out for, especially if the discharge from the nipple.

2. Unusual pain

As age increases, the more often you feel the aches and pains. The pain is constant and the unusual can be a sign of cancer. Moreover, pain is not caused injury or illness has ever felt before.

3. Changes in the testis

Testicular Cancer / testes often appear in men aged 20-39. Any changes to the size of the testis, either enlarged or reduced, should still watch out. Similarly, if there is swelling or feeling of heaviness in the scrotum. Sometimes testicular cancer can grow extremely fast, so it would be better if you know them as early as possible.

4. Changes in lymph nodes

If you notice any lumps or swelling in the armpit or neck or anywhere else, beware! Especially if the bump is growing from day to day and long lasting even up to more than a month.

5. Fever

In addition to marking a variety of diseases such as pneumonia, throat infections, fever can also indicate cancer. The American Cancer Society stated fever is one symptom that occurs in early-stage blood cancer, particularly leukemia or lymphoma. Often, fever occurs when the cancer has spread to other organs.

6. Drastic weight loss sudden

Weight loss is sudden (more than 10 percent of body weight) and beyond expectations without its own efforts in a short time should be aware. Usually drastic weight reduction is associated with colon cancer or cancer of other digestive organs.

7. Abdominal pain disorders and depression

Every man who suffered depression accompanied by abdominal pain disorders need to be examined further, since the experts found no relationship between depression and pancreatic Cancer.

8. Excessively tired

Like a fever, excessive fatigue that does not improve with rest can also be one of the symptoms of cancer. This condition usually arises after developing cancer although it can occur also in the early phase as in leukemia or colon cancer.

9. Cough not go away

Cough is always associated with the flu and allergies. However, persistent cough in a long period, about three or four weeks should be considered because it could be a symptom of cancer or a sign of other problems like pneumonia - chronic pulmonary.

10. It is hard to swallow

Never underestimate this condition. Difficulty swallowing food or always felt something stuck in the esophagus may indicate cancer of the digestive tract, such as esophageal cancer.

11. Changes in skin

You must pay attention not only on changes in a mole, but note also the pigmentation of the skin. Bleeding in the skin or skin peeling off great in a few weeks and can not be lost is one sign of skin cancer.

12. Bleeding in places that should not be

Whenever you see any blood from the body parts that should not be such as coughing or vomiting blood, bleeding in the feces and urine, it's time to see a doctor and find out the cause as soon as possible because it could cause cancer.

13. Changes in the mouth

If you smoke or chew tobacco, be warned if there are white patches inside the mouth, or white dots are not lost on the tongue, because this is a sign of leukoplakia (an area where cancer was before it appears), which may be oral Cancer if continuous irritation.

14. Problems during urination

Age of a man, then the problem becomes more frequent micturition experienced. Could occur lampias feeling when urinating, inability to hold urine, even the frequency of urination is more frequent. But beware if the situation is not improving and getting worse, because it could be a sign of cancer although an enlarged prostate in old age can also cause it.

15. Indigestion

Indigestion is continuously and repeatedly can be an indication of Cancer of the esophagus, throat or stomach. Especially in women, an unusual sense of bloating accompanied by abdominal bloating that often feel full and can not eat should be wary of as symptoms of ovarian cancer.

Give a little of your time to observe and love yourself. Would not it be nice if your health problems resolved as early as possible? Hopefully this guide can make you more alert in recognizing the symptoms of cancer before it's too late.

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