Saturday, February 26, 2011

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Too Much Sleep Are at Risk of Death

Too much sleep or sleep more than eight hours a day not only will get you branded as lazy, but also can make you die fast. Wow ...!

Research conducted by the Institutional American Cancer Society volunteers involved 1000 people from several states in America, and managed to reveal that people who slept eight hours a day was a 12% die faster. This risk increased to 17% in people who slept nine hours a day. The greatest risk of death occur in people who sleep up to ten hours a day, reaching 34%.

Why sleep more than eight hours a day is not recommended? Professor Daniel F. Kripke, one of the researchers said that too much sleep the same as eating too much. The body does not need more than what she needed, too much sleep will only make the weakened organs. "We recommend that each person has the habit of sleeping 6.5 hours a day, but need quality sleep." There is no reason to add more hours of sleep, your body will tell us how many hours he needs to rest, "said Prof.. Daniel.

So, referring to the studies above it can be concluded that sleep seven hours a day is best. The study showed that the body most feel comfortable if only slept for seven hours. No problem, if sleep less than seven hours a day. For example, six or five hours a day. "But remember, not good for health if you continue to sleep less than five hours a day in a long time," said Prof. Daniel warned.

"If you've been sleeping more than is needed by the body, so from now rid of the habit. Get a good quality and you can be assured that sleeping for seven hours a day is sufficient and bring a positive impact on your health," he said.

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