Friday, December 24, 2010

Be careful, Friends Can Make You Fat!

You're dieting to lose weight? Be careful with the environment, because the environment was somewhat important in influencing the success or failure of your diet.

Professor Gavan Fitzsimons, PhD, an expert in the field of marketing and psychology from Duke University states, people tend to do what was done by their surroundings. One example, dinner with a group of friends who lean times even making you feel 'comfortable' order ice cream or pudding for dessert. Correct?

Here 'factors' that can affect your diet program:

The Body Slim
According to the survey from the University of British Columbia, in general, 1.5 times as people eat more when eating with friends who lean compared with overweight friends.

Couples Dating
Women tend to eat a diet low in value over 100 calories when eating with the couple date, compared with female friend, according to research from McMaster University in Ontario.

The Optimist
Hanging out with his friends who are optimistic certainly more fun than surrounded by the pessimists right? But for the matter of food, be careful. The optimists usually faster 'surrender' to the things that appeals, including food. They will easily take you to come taste it. Similarly, according to research from Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan

The Husband
Married women generally have a tendency to obesity 2x larger than single women, according to data released by the University of North Carolina

Friends of Friends
Results of research at Harvard Medical School states, if the friends of your friends suffer from obesity, then your risk of obesity enlarges to 20%.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Love Hormonal Helping People With Autism

A study in France proves that the hormones 'love' that encourage bonding between mother and baby, it can improve social functioning of persons with autism. In the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences was written, that people with autism who inhaled the hormone oxytocin is more attention and show facial expressions when viewing pictures and better understand social cues in a simulated game.

Research leader, Angela Sirigu of the Center of Cognitive Neuroscience in Lyon, said the hormone therapy is great potential in adults or children suffering from autism.

"For example, if oxytocin is given early on when the diagnosis is made, maybe we can change the social developmental disorders in people with autism," said Angela Sirigu via e-mail.

Angela says research has focused on because of the hormone oxytocin is known as the hormone that helps bond nursing mothers with their babies. And previous research has shown that some children with autism have low levels of the hormone oxytocin. People with Asperger's syndrome and autism spectrum disorders more often have problems with social interaction. This hormone is proven to help patients with autism who have normal intellectual functions and language skills are pretty good because it can improve eye contact, which is an important marker of social interaction.

"Eye contact can be considered as a first step in a social approach. But the people with autism often avoid eye contact with others," he said.

"Our research suggests that oxytocin can increase the eye contact because the patient looks often make eye contact," he said.

These hormones also increase the ability of persons with autism in understanding the responses of others towards them. In his research, Angela and colleagues recruited two groups of individuals aged 17-39 years. The first group comprised 13 people, of which 10 patients of whom had symptoms of autism spectrum and three others suffered from high-functioning autism (autism with high IQ level). While 13 other people into two groups, control population.

Both groups were then ordered to play video games of football in which the group with autism receive oxytocin inhalers. As a result, inhalation of oxytocin make Asperger's Syndrome or high IQ autism tend to love to play with their partner a more socially responsive game play football.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Fruit and Vegetables, Skin Secret Show Brighter Face

Where women who do not want to have a golden skin glowing and rosy. Moreover, the skin is considered as the most healthy skin and draw in a row an experiment conducted by a group of researchers in the UK. Communities in some western countries berangapan that sunshine is the best way to improve skin color, so they prefer to bask in the sun. But you Taukah if it is not difficult to get skin that looks healthy and attractive. The researchers revealed that the only natural and easy way is to eat lots of vegetables and fruits.

"What we eat and not just how much we eat seems important to get a healthy appearance," said Prof. David Perrett, lead researcher from St Andrews University. "The only natural way for our skin look more luminous and yellow is to eat more fruits and vegetables," he added.

Researchers believe, the skin color red means a body full of blood and oxygen that make people look more healthy because it has heart and lungs healthy. The smokers and those who suffer from heart disease and diabetes tend to have less skin rosy, so that makes them look less healthy.

While a healthy yellow color indicates the person is frequently eat fruits and vegetables because of the color produced by carotenoid pigments. These pigments are powerful antioxidants to absorb the harmful compounds produced by the body to fight a disease. And it is also important for immune and can prevent cancer. That's why Dr. Ian Stephen, from Bristol University, as representative in this study, suggest that we always eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day to improve the skin.

"It's the same message about healthy eating, but for different reasons, namely for the skin color," he said. "In some western countries, people often think that the sun is the best way to improve skin tone. But our research shows a healthy lifestyle with proper diet is a healthy skin how to get better," he continued.

In a study published in the International Journal of Primatology, the research team involved 51 respondents, 30 men and 21 women. They use computer software that is able to manipulate the appearance of the skin color of the respondents.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Apparently Appendicitis Helps Fight Diseases Effectively

During this time many people think that the appendix or the appendix vermiformis no more as additional organ that has no function. However, researchers now reveal that the appendix is more than just a useless organ. Part of this organ can be used by doctors to help the human body to fight disease more effectively.

"Maybe this is the time to correct the written books," said the researcher, William Parker of the Duke University Medical Center in Durham, NC

"Many biology books that are still mentions of the appendix as a vestigial organ.''He said.

Vermiform appendix is a small pouch attached to the right colon at the end of the small intestine. Darwin's theory of the appendix in humans and other primates of the appendix is called evolutionary relics called the cecum on the composition, which is used by our ancestors to digest food.

At least more than 1 in 20 people have experienced inflammation of the appendix. They see the appendix did not give any effect in his body that felt the need to be discarded. However, William and his colleagues recently revealed that the appendix is still needed as a place to live a safe and vital for good and useful bacteria, after illness eliminate all the bacteria from the gut. This Appendix serves to restore the useful bacteria after suffering from diarrhea diseases.

Source : conectique

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Soft Drink Makes You Looks Old Before Time

These findings may make you think again and again before consuming soft drinks. Recently, scientists have warned of the dangers of soft drinks for the skin. They claim these drinks can make you old before their time. Research has shown that phosphate, which gives a sharp sense of the many soft drinks, can accelerate the aging process, such as the appearance of wrinkles. Minerals are also found in processed meats, cakes and breads, also can make the skin and withered muscles and heart and kidney damage.

Although the experiments conducted on mice, researchers from Harvard University believes the results of this study also showed that the phosphate content in high doses has the potential to provide risk in humans.

"This study shows that the balance of phosphorus affects the aging process," said Gerald Weissmann, a researcher who published this research in FASEB Journal.

In this latest study, Dr. M. Shawkat Razzaque and colleagues from Harvard's dental school, the effect of high levels of phosphate in the body in three groups of rats. The first group was genetically engineered with a gene called klotho, which is anti-aging hormone that has a unique way of working, lack of this hormone can cause osteoporosis or other aging conditions. After being fed a high phosphate levels, they were only able to survive for 8 to 15 weeks and suffered from various problems associated with premature aging. The second group who were given doses of phosphate in normal and do not have the klotho, can live for 20 weeks. Meanwhile a third group who grew up as the second group, but were fed high-phosphate diet died within 15 weeks.

These results suggest that foods containing phosphate have toxic effects. The researchers also warn that this mineral can shorten the skin and muscles and trigger or aggravate kidney and heart problems. "People need a healthy diet and maintain a balance of phosphate in the diet may be important for a healthy life and longevity. Avoid toxins in phosphate and enjoy a healthy life," the researchers said.

This is not the first study to concentrate on carbonated cola, which is associated with brittle bones, pancreatic cancer, muscle weakness and paralysis. Consuming two cans of soft drinks per week is expected to increase the risk of the disease.

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Monday, November 01, 2010

Healthy Food With Minimal Budget

Who says healthy food is expensive food? Sometimes a lot of people misunderstand with healthy menu choices. They think that healthy food is food sold with an expensive price. Though not the case, it is possible for you to eat healthy foods without spending much money. Here are some tips that may help you live healthy by eating healthy foods that fit your budget.

Avoid Junk food.

These foods are one of the favorite foods and most often ordered the children, especially when you shop monthly. Though these foods in addition to less healthy and beneficial for the body, without realizing it can also drain your pocket. The best way to keep junk food from the observation of children is to go shopping by herself. That way you can be sure only to buy food purposes which are really needed.

Reduce the Soft Drink and Expand Drinking Water and Milk

Reduce did not mean stop. You still can enjoy soft drinks while hanging out with friends, but remember only one time only. Also make sure you order it in a cup size smaller, because in addition to financial savings, consuming too much soft drinks are also not good for health. The drink contains sugar and other chemicals that are not needed by the body. Children and even adults need milk or more water to be consumed each day. In a glass of milk contains vitamins and calcium for strong body, healthy bones and teeth were intact.

Always Have Fruits

Fruits contain many vitamins that are good for health. Because it is always the input of fruit in your shopping list. Nothing wrong if you buy them in large numbers, during fruit season arrives. Then store in the closet cooling for the fruit is still consumable even though its season has ended. Before stored in a refrigerator, washing first fruits are up to clean and separate the rotten fruit. Then drain and input into a zipper plastic bag.

Provide the Meat and Beans

The biggest source of protein contained in meat and beans, so make sure they always have in your refrigerator. Choose lean meats. Although the price is slightly more expensive, but you can buy it now sale arrived, then store in the refrigerator to be consumed at any time. If you are vegetarian, beans can be selected. The same high protein content is also worthy of consumption, let alone the price is relatively affordable.

High consumption of fish

In addition to protein, vitamins, and minerals, fish also contain omega-3 fatty acids are very good for the body. Not surprisingly, the two health institutions namely the American Heart Association and American Diabetes Association recommends to include fish in the diet, at least twice a week. Lucky for you who live near the coast, because in addition to direct ordering fresh fish from the fishermen, you can also buy it with a cheaper price.

Consumption of Foods High water content

Consume a variety of foods that contain lots of water, such as tomatoes, melons and salads, is a very wise choice. Water content contained in fruits and vegetables in addition it is important to moisturize the skin and refresh the body also serves to clean the dirt from inside the large intestine channels. Cleaning the colon is an important factor to support the health of the body including maintaining an ideal weight.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Frequent Nightmares? Beware Signs of Parkinson's

Dreams could be the only flower bed. However, if you often have nightmares, need to wary of. Because according to one study, severe nightmares may be one early sign of Parkinson's disease.
Scientists in Spain claim the people who suffer from sleep disorder called REM, which include nightmares, kicking, hitting and screaming, high risk of developing Parkinson's disease and other forms of dementia in the next five years.

REM (Rapid Eye Movement) phase of sleep is when most people start dreaming. In their normal sleep, the body effectively as if paralyzed because during this stage deadly brain muscle functions. However, those with REM sleep disorder, often perform the movement in his dream as violent movement. The scientists found that one in five people aged over 60 years, who suffer from sleep disorders will end up with Parkinson's and other degenerative diseases such as Lewy body dementia.

The study, published in the journal Lancet Neurology, shows that sleep disorders can be one early sign of brain disease. The research team, led by Dr. Alex Iranzo of Neurology Department of the Hospital Clinic in Barcelona, monitored 43 patients over the age of 60 years, all diagnosed with REM sleep disorder.

They found that 30 percent of patients have developed some form of neurological disorders (Parkinson's in most cases), two and a half years after they were diagnosed with sleep problems. In the UK, Parkinson's disease affects about 120,000 people, mostly aged over 50 years. Those who suffer from this disease experience lack a chemical called dopamine because of certain nerve cells in their brains are dead. Without dopamine, their movements become slower, they are often confused and lost memory.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Check Your Health Through Lip Condition

Lips can actually show you how your current health condition. Through the lips, we can see any health problems in the body.

Lips is the first part of the body showed signs of health problems. Therefore, it is important to study the condition of your lips.

1. Swollen lips
His lips were swollen spleen caused by obstructed labor. Networking on the lips is very thin, and therefore the first bibirlah experiencing swelling. His lips were swollen indicating your health is generally poor or lips are allergic to certain foods.

2. Chapped lips
Chapped lips can be caused by anemia. Anemia stop the formation of networks. In addition, diabetes is also thought to cause the emergence of candida or a kind of fungus that attacks the corner of her lip. So, chapped lips can indicate if you are exposed to anemia or diabetes if the outbreak at the corner of his mouth.

3. Lip exfoliate
Allergies can cause the lips a bit swollen and eventually peel. Lip exfoliate constantly can show that you're attacked by allergies. Therefore, it is suggested allergy tests done immediately on a doctor.

4. Lip wounds
Lips of the wounded could be caused by herpes viruses. Lip wound signifies your immune system is down or can be because your diet is wrong. If the injury lasts more than 15 days, check with your doctor immediately.

5. His lips felt hot and sick
Depression triggers sensory areas of the brain, so that sensitive body parts, such as the lips, going to hurt. That is why his lips felt hot and sick can be a sign you're depressed.

Translate From : Kompas Online

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Wednesday, September 01, 2010

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Fight Diabetes Type 2 with Green Vegetables

Vegetables for health benefits is unquestionable. Recently, a study conducted by a research team from the University of Leicester, England again proved the health benefits of vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables. Eating green leafy vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli and spinach are believed to reduce the risk of developing diabetes type two. A diet that is high in fruit and vegetable intake in general has long been known to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. But it is also not known whether the beneficial effects on diabetes.

Writing in the British Medical Journal online, Patrice Carter, a nutritionist who is also leader of the research along with his team, analyzing six research studies involving more than 220,000 people. From the results of research, concluded that eating one-half more servings of green vegetables reduces the risk of diabetes type two to 14 percent, compared with those who ate less than half servings per day. This is comparable to 122 grams per day of green leafy vegetables.

"The results of the meta-analysis we recommend to increase the consumption of green leafy vegetables in your diet to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. The results also support the evidence that lifestyle modification is an important factor in the prevention of type 2 diabetes," said Patrice. Patrice states greens beneficial because the plant contains magnesium and anti-oxidants which is very high. But he stressed further study is needed to reveal it all.

Recommendations for further study of this research was also raised by Dr. Iain Frame, Director of Research at Diabetes UK Charity. He said: "Because the number of studies in this analysis is relatively limited, it is too early to isolate the green leafy vegetables and green vegetables to introduce itself as a method to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes."

He also suggested that everyone keep eating vegetables and fruit in five servings per day, because this gives more benefit primarily to reduce heart disease, stroke, some cancers and obesity. "Diabetes UK are concerned if the focus on certain foods will affect the recommendation to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables every day, which gives more benefits in terms of reducing heart disease, stroke, some cancers and obesity and type 2 diabetes," continued Dr. Iain said as quoted by the Telegraph.

"The message to increase intake of vegetables and fruit must not be lost, even though green leafy vegetables have a special effect on the prevention of diabetes but also the public should still eat vegetables and other fruits," said Professor Jim Mann of the University of Otago in New Zealand, which also agrees with statement Dr Iain.

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Monday, August 23, 2010


Inhalers Increase Risk of Prostate Cancer

For patients with asthma, an inhaler or inhaler can be a helper first when they experience shortness of breath. However, men who use these drugs regularly big chance of prostate cancer.
The team of scientists in Melbourne, Australia found that men with asthma who use inhalers to potentially enhance tumor growth by 40 percent compared with men who do not suffer from asthma. While users of other types of inhalers, such as bronchodilator, 36 percent higher risk of this disease.

Research that has been published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, the medical history is based on an analysis of the 1179 people who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and who have a history of asthma. Initially, they were investigating possible links between asthma and prostate cancer, because both involve inflammation in the body. The survey results revealed, only to have asthma, men have a risk of esophageal tumors up to 25 percent. This risk could be higher if they were users of inhalers. Even according to the research, cancer risk can be increased up to 70 percent in patients with severe asthma often require treatment with steroid tablets or injections.

However, cancer experts stressed that these new findings is a preliminary findings of a small study. Need to do larger studies that examine the relationship between asthma, inhalers and prostate cancer, before a change in use of asthma medications may be considered.

"These results are still quite weak and could be a statistical coincidence," said Dr Jodie Moffat, of Cancer Research. The same opinion expressed by an expert on asthma in the UK, Dr. Elaine Vickers. He urged that people with asthma not to stop taking medicine or stop using the inhaler according to which has been recommended by their physician.

"This study shows that there may be a weak correlation between asthma and risk of prostate cancer. But even if this is true, this association is marginal, and there is no reason for men to worry about asthma," said Dr. Elaine, as quoted from the Daily Mail.

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Sunday, August 08, 2010

Attitude VS Leisure Zone

Since most of us already know what it is attitude, let's talk about the comfort zone:

Mental comfort zone is a place surrounded by the boundaries of our minds where we feel safe. Despite this comfort area and its boundaries is just a state of mind that has no relation to reality, it plays a big roll in our development progress. Because of limited comfort zone, not much benefit to you in your comfort zone, but what you already are and have. Nothing new will happen until you open up and leave your comfort zone.

As long as you still have the same beliefs, you can not grow and you can not expect new things in your life. When you change your beliefs will change the thoughts, feelings and actions, and then you can grow and thrive in all aspects of your life.

Although the background can affect your current situation, what really matters is not where you were born, color, race, age, sex, religion, government, or even the poor environment in which you have lived for many years, but what really matters and makes a big difference in your life is your attitude, to understand your comfort zone, how you limit yourself in it, who you are, why you behave as you did it, and especially where you are going.

Unfortunately many people do not go anywhere because they remain within their comfort zone. They accept defeat after defeat before even trying or knowing how valuable it is able or actually them. This situation is not the cause of our actual situation but rather comfort and poverty from our minds and also because we are a broken spirit. Leave your past, always beyond your comfort zone! Past your comfort zone is nothing but a useless burden you do not need to take him at all.

Take as much as it needs constant action and never surrendered. Like Napoleon Hill says, "a quitter never wins and a winner never stops. The defeat was never fails, no state which is the failure to be accepted by the individual as a failure. " Whatever you think, you feel, and therefore what you feel is the way you act, and this action is what will determine how far would you go and how you will be the future. Cheer you, do not let the background of your comfort zone, or other external circumstances to defeat your spirit.

Nothing is impossible for an optimistic attitude, anything is possible when we begin to open ourselves to believe, when we have a burning desire to succeed and foolhardy determination to realize our dreams, anything is possible if we do not take no for an answers.

Do not be afraid of change, life itself is a change, growth, and despite the possibility of a painful, necessary changes. This change will bring you to a place full of new things, blessings and satisfaction, all are for better circumstances. Just focus and just live with passion, focus on the things you want and what makes you happy. Just believe in yourself, open-minded, open to change, simple, flexible and take action.

Copyright © 2009 Eduardo Dominguez

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Male Hobbist Shopping Impotence Vulnerable

Shopping has become part of lifestyle. Whereas in the past was largely dominated activities at women, shopping is now also started to spread in men, especially the metrosexual. However, it's good for the guys, to be careful when shopping. Because of this one could make them impotent.

Recently, scientists in the United States mengungkan that men and shopping is a toxic mixture. Prof. Frank Sommer, a Urology specialist from Berlin, found that a dangerous chemical compound that is Bishphenol A (BPA), which is contained in the paper receipts, can suppress male sex hormones.

BPA is a substance that is toxic to the body and are known as endocrine disruptors that may interfere with the release of hormones. The compound used to make visible the ink on the paper bill, it can be ingested when a man holding a paper bill and then touching your mouth or holding food.

"A like substances that could shift the balance of sex hormones in men towards" says Prof. Frank, as quoted from the Telegraph.

"In the long term this could lead to reduced sex drive in males, highlight the fat in the abdomen, not in muscles and having a devastating effect on erection," continued the 42-year-old researcher.

In Canada and three other states in America have banned the use of BPA itself. BPA is widely used in food and beverage products packaged in cans to strengthen the walls of the container. A few bottles and cans containing such chemicals have long been linked with breast cancer, heart disease, obesity, hyperactivity, and other problems related to metabolism, fertility, and nerves. Most baby bottle manufacturers have stopped entering these ingredients on the packaging of their products, but some of the old production stock of bottles containing the chemical is still sold in the market.

The researchers also warn that you always wash your hands after going shopping and do not ever directly from a hand holding food.

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Saturday, July 03, 2010


You Pregnant? Ignore Household Work

This may be an appropriate excuse for prospective mothers to leave the routine of housework. A group of Dutch researchers, warned that activities like washing dishes or clean-up turns out to be bad for the candidate of their baby. According to their household activities are activities that tend to be tedious repetition, so that the prospective mother susceptible to stress and trigger preterm labor.

This result is known after the researchers asked the 12 000 expectant mothers about how often they exercise during pregnancy - including housework. The mothers were also asked about their employment status, birth weight babies and their babies, whether normal or premature birth.

Information received indicates that the possibility of giving birth three weeks early can be increased up to 25 percent if pregnant women do housework repeated. However, this impact will not occur if the pregnant woman to replace the activity with exercise. Although no clear reason why, but researchers concluded that household tasks are boring to trigger the increase of stress hormones. Therefore, the researchers suggested that pregnant women should continue to berlahraga.

"Women who are healthy and have no complications of pregnancy did not have to limit their activities in an attempt to achieve better pregnancy outcomes, the researchers said, Hajo Wildschut, from Erasmus University in Rotterdam.

"They're safe to continue with their daily physical activity as normal, including heavy activity such as jogging, squash and weight training even at the end of pregnancy." Royal College of obstetricians and Gynaecologists said that in many cases exercise during pregnancy is safe for expectant mothers or their babies. But they are advised to avoid sports cycling, ice-skating and horse riding.

Research that has been published in the journal Perinatal Epidemiology, also revealed some other interesting results. Women who work the night shift tends to give birth to a little more weight. While the lifestyle of the prospective mother who moved around a lot also been identified to increase the likelihood of giving birth to underweight.

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Thursday, June 03, 2010

Bad Habits Destructive Worker Health

Through a recent survey conducted by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP), found some bad habits that can damage the health of workers. One in four workers risking their health due to work all day without rest. One third of them even suffered health problems due to missed lunch due to work load piled up.

Another bad habit that also claimed the organization can be harmful to health is to work the same statistic in the time period too long and forced myself to work when sick or stressed conditions. According to the CSP, the long-term impacts that may be experienced by these workers are suffering from back pain, obesity, depression, heart disease, and stroke. Therefore, the CSP has warned that the staff of workers and employers should adopt sound work practices.

"Worked well for us because it can contribute to physical and mental well-being. But when the overtime does not mean you do not have the time or energy to maintain the health of yourself or push yourself to work when you're sick," said Phil Gray, chief executive of the CSP. This tune also delivered by Ben Willmott, from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. According to him, these findings could be a warning alarm for the workers.

"A certain pressure level at the workplace of course allowed," he said.

"But when pressures faced by workers regularly exceeds their ability to cope, in other words stress, the possibility can lead to conditions such as depression, anxiety and heart disease."

Tiens Product For Hard Worker :
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Friday, May 14, 2010

Many of Vitamin D Deficiency During Pregnancy

Adequacy of vitamin D among pregnant women was still very low. A study in the United States shows, many pregnant women who do not meet the requirement of vitamin D are adequate. Although the dose of vitamin D intake, and enhanced during pregnancy, research indicates that high doses of vitamin D intake is needed for women.

As published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, about 70 percent of women in the U.S. deficiency of vitamin D. Women with a darker skin color, that covered her body with clothes on the basis of religious or cultural reasons, as well as those who live in northern areas during winter, carrying a higher risk of deficiency of vitamin D.

"Giving vitamins during pregnancy does help increase levels of vitamin D, but many new women who become pregnant to consume after the discovery. While this research continues to run, I think it is very important for women to initiate their consumption a few months before becoming pregnant in order to maximize health benefits," said research leader, Professor Adit Ginde, from the University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine.

There is growing evidence that vitamin D levels in the general population declined due to decreased outdoor activity. In fact, vitamin D is one of the essential nutrients, especially during pregnancy and infant health in general. Deficiency of vitamin D in infancy associated with increased respiratory infections. A low intake of vitamins in adulthood are also associated with heart and blood vessel disease and some cancers.

Tiens Product Related This Article :
  • Nutrient High Calcium Powder

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Long Life Marked With The Wide Smiles

Someone's feelings is not real predictable. But now a smile signals turned out to describe how long can you live in the world. If you include a person who always seems to have the widest smile when being photographed, that means you'll live longer. Thus the results of a study conducted researchers from Wayne State University in Detroit.

They evaluated 230 photo Premier League Baseball players who played before 1950. Through these photographs, researchers assessed the participants' smiles were divided into three groups: participants with the widest smile, smile always, and who did not smile at all. "The man who smiled most broadly have a longer life than the two other groups," said one researcher, Ernest L Abel, Monday (29 / 3).

According to him, the wider the smile someone, indicates that these people feel the happiness which then led to a positive nature. "It's very difficult to forge genuine smile that comes from the radiant heart," Ernest said.

In addition to analyzing the smile level participants, the researchers also collect other information relating to the causes of long-lived person such as marital status, year of birth, and body mass index. Analysis of Ernest and his team proved when, on June 1, 2009, leaving only 46 participants who are still alive. They are baseball players who have the most wide smile.

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Friday, April 16, 2010

Sleep Less, So Eat Too Much

Busyness makes you less rest? Do not ignore, especially if you want to lose weight. Research shows people who sleep deprivation and fatigue tend to eat more than people who get enough sleep. The literature has shown a link between sleep duration with higher body mass index. But not yet known exactly how the people who sleep less may be more obese.

In a study conducted a number of experts from France, known to people who sleep less to spend 22 percent more calories compared to peers who slept enough (about 8 hrs). Experts suspect, lack of sleep may contribute to the epidemic of obesity in developed countries.

According to the researchers, it can be explained by the behavior of mammals who like to eat more when they get enough sleep. "Mammals tend to hoard calories in the summer, where nights are shorter and a little food," said Dr.Laurent Brondel from the European Centre for Taste Sciences.

The results of this study reinforce the evidence of the importance of sleep for survival. "Lack of sleep is not just a problem of losing time, but the repair process of damaged cells that can affect various body functions," said Brondel.

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Health Info From Urine Color

Do you know, changes color, odor, and consistency of urine can be an important clue to one's health status? Urine can express what we eat, how much water has been drunk, and what diseases are suffered. Analysis of urine for peek health have been recognized since thousands of years ago. According to Thomas Griebling, MD, MPH, urologist at the University of Kansas, urine is like a window to see what happens in the body. "Various things circulating in the body, including bacteria, fungi, protein, and sugar, will come out passing urine or urine," he said.

Our bodies also release excess water and "junk" that has been filtered by the kidneys through urine. "The primary function is to carry urine substances out toxins from the body so as not to accumulate in the body and bad for health," said Anthony Smith, MD, a urologist.

That is why, if we find any change in color or odor of urine unusual (outside of food consumed), it could be a sign of no health problems. Yellow color in urine color comes from pigments called urochorme. Normal urine color is pale yellow to yellow. Dark yellow urine color is a sign of lack of water bodies. Conversely, colors that are too clear urine could be a sign you are drinking too much water or are taking diuretics (water absorbent which makes the urine volume increased).

Urine color can also vary according to the foods we asup. For example, eating carrots could make a little orange color urine, whereas drugs could also change the color of urine. That need to be aware of is if the urine becomes slightly reddish color because it could be a sign there is blood in the urine. "If you see any blood and urine rather dark color, it could be a sign of infection," says Smith. Normally, urine does not have a strong odor. If you find a sharp smell, you may get an infection or kidney stones often cause the smell of ammonia. The sweet smell that evaporates from the urine can be a sign of diabetes.

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Signs You Affected Kidney Failure

Kidney failure can strike any person, whether male or female. Not looking at the economic level. If the symptom is known as early as possible, patients can get help to change or adjust your lifestyle.

The signs of kidney failure was not visible simultaneously. In laboratory examination, can be known with more thoroughly and accurately whether the signs leading to the possibility of kidney failure.

Here are some signs or symptoms of kidney failure that you need to be aware of:
  • Diabetes was less than the previous habits.
  • Urinary change color, frothy, or frequent night waking to urinate.
  • Often swelling in the feet, ankles, hands and face. Partly because the kidneys can not remove excess water.
  • Hurry tired or weak, due to dirt can not be removed by the kidneys.
  • Shortness of breath, caused water to collect in the lungs. This condition is often misinterpreted as asthma or heart failure.
  • Breath odor due to impurities that accumulate in the oral cavity.
  • Pain in your back aches.
  • Itching, especially in the foot.
  • Loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting.
Tiens Product Related This Articles :
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  • Tiens Muncord Capsules (Cordyceps)

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Beware, The Immune Drug Gonorrhea Germs!

Gonorrhea sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea or better known potential to become a superbug resistance as in medicine or if a doctor does not find new ways to treat it. Warning was delivered by Cathrine Ison, experts gonorrhea, in meeting the World Health Organization (WHO) in Manila, Philippines, last week. "Bacteria are bacteria that cause gonorrhea very smart. If we do not stop to adapt, not the disease may not be so difficult to treat infectious diseases," said Ison from Britain's Health Protection Agency.

Gonorrhoea is an infection due to sexual contact with an infected person. Key features of this disease, among others, the men got out of yellow liquid mixed with blood from the urethra. In women, character is the red on the cervix and pelvic pain.

If untreated, gonorrhea bacteria will cause pelvic inflammatory disease, pregnancy outside the uterus (etopik), and infertility in women. In general, the WHO estimates, there are at least 340 million cases of sexually transmitted diseases that can be treated, including syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, etc., each year in people aged 15-49 years.

According to Ison, the world's highest incidence of gonorrhea in the country subsahara Africa and Southeast Asia. Medications commonly used today in some countries is to use one type of antibiotic, ie, cefixime or ceftriaxone.

Ison added, types (strains) Neisseria gonorrhea bacteria began to resist and soon to be resistant to various antibiotics at the moment. "Cefixime and ceftriaxone are effective, but there are signs of the bacteria began to be immune, especially on cefixime," he said.

The signs began resistant gonorrhea on the various types of drugs (a superbug) has been seen in Japan. Health officials there suggest to add a dose of antibiotics to treat gonorrhea, though still wearing the same type of antibiotic.

Trends in gonorrhea bacterial resistance also occurs in Hong Kong, China, Australia and some countries in Asia. Ison said the best way to reduce risk of gonorrhea infection is the use of condoms and wearing two different types of antibiotics to treat this disease. Such treatments are also used in treating tuberculosis and effective enough so that the bacteria is more difficult to conquer the type of drug.

"There are several types of medicines that could be used for gonorrhea. Therefore, using more than one type at one time might be able to prevent resistance," said Ison.
Source :

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  1. Muncord Capsules
  2. Chitin Chitosan Capsules
  3. Lingzhe Spore

Friday, April 02, 2010

Jogging Makes Sex More Passionate

Running or jogging exercise was not only beneficial for health, but also good for the health of a relationship. Through a survey in England under the note lovers jogging activity has a more active sex lives than those who never berjogging.

One of the 10 people who routinely perform jogging say they have sex at least once a day. In fact, three percent of them admitted having sex twice a day. Sexual activity is very different from those who are not lovers of jogging, where one in four people (25 percent) claimed to only have sex once a month or even none at all.

The survey of 1,000 people and 1,000 people jogging lovers who do not like jogging also found that one in 10 men admitted always thinking about sex during berjogging. Meanwhile, only a fifth of all women who admitted thinking about sex when berjogging. This is because almost half the women are more focused mind, how they live sports can provide benefit for them.

Not only that, poll, conducted health charity Sue Ryder Care, also revealed that a quarter of the perpetrators confessed to the sport jogging as a venue for malakukan approach to the opposite sex. More than a third of participants said they had managed to start a conversation with someone of the opposite sex as they ran. Jogging while "seducing or so-called 'flunning' (short for flirting and running), it seems the middle becomes a new trend for British society.

Throughout this year, Sue Ryder Care has held 24 events running in the UK. Funds raised from the event run successfully is intended to help those who experience a variety of diseases such as cancer, stroke, brain injury, multiple sclerosis, dementia, huntington's disease, Parkinson's and motor nerve disorder.

Tiens Product Related This Articles :
  1. Tiens Muncord Capsules
  2. Tiens Manka Capsules

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Begin Check Diabetes In Aged 30-45 Years

Currently it is suggested that people with type 2 diabetes underwent examinations from the age of 45 years, especially if they are overweight. However, one study suggested that people with type 2 diabetes inspection earlier, between the ages of 30 and 45 years.

Gradual examination for diabetes type 2 frugal when people aged 30 and 45 and then repeated every three to five years, several researchers concluded in a report published this week in the Lancet medical journal.

Dr. Richard Kahn, from the American Diabetes Association, Alexandria, Virginia, and colleagues used a mathematical model to compare the seven strategic examination - with the early start from age 30 until age 60 years or under diagnosis of high blood pressure, and repeated every three to five years until age 75 years - until, without examination or inspection maximal, every six months from the age of 30 years.

For these studies, the researchers simulate the 325,000 residents who do not suffer from diabetes by the age of 30 years. Model show efficient examination of type 2 diabetes and may prevent heart attacks, deaths and complications associated with diabetes.

Apart from the no-no examination at all, check that began when the detection of high blood pressure are less effective. So, in general, Kahn suggests the commencement of the examination at a time when people are aged between 30 and 45 years, and then continue every three to five years.

In those days, he said, doctors should choose whatever they feel most comfortable to do. "To make it simple and to remind people when examined, they might want to do, when they memerksa cholesterol, from the age of 45 years and then every five years," he said.

Instead, he says, for people who are overweight and / or have a family history of diabetes, it may have begun somewhat earlier, but not at the age of 25 years.

Tiens Product Related This Art
  1. Hyperglycemia High Calcium Powder
  2. Tiens Diacont

Monday, March 29, 2010

Emotions Trigger By Fast Food

You are among those who quickly get angry when waiting for the computer on, or upset because you do not open emails quickly? Although it only takes approximately 30 seconds. If so, chances are you belong to people who can not wait. We have people who live in the modern world quite quickly fly off the handle and difficult to be patient. One of the factors causing the difficulty to be patient, according to a study the University of Toronto is the consumption of fast food.

"Fast food has been representing the current culture which takes a quick and instant gratification" says Chen-Bo Zhong, researchers from the University of Toronto as reported by LiveScience, Sunday (28 / 3). The emergence of fast-food restaurant industry has influenced the culture of modern society. The principle is to create ideas fast food because of hunger and that a few times as if required to eat fast and get it over with in a short time. It was also carried in other activities.

Zhong pointed out, people will go faster when trying to pursue a meeting with colleagues. People see things based on what needs to be done quickly. Meanwhile, other researchers Sanford DeVoe also revealed a similar thing, that fast food is one way that allows one to save time, but the effect is one to be impatient.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Inflammation of Gums Caused by Tooth Gross

Inflammation of the gums or in medicine is called gingivitis, usually caused by dirty teeth. Gingivitis may also be caused due to errors in brushing teeth. Outside of these two causes, there are still secondary causes other. But clearly, kengganan for dental hygiene absolute beginning gingivitis.

Without realizing it, some people think little sores and other oral cavity diseases such as bad breath and bleeding gums to cavities. Sprue by many people known as the wounds on the mucous membranes in the mouth. Typically, the wound in the mouth area is not within. If not accompanied by complications due to infection by more virulent bacteria, sores will heal themselves without a trace. The infection usually begins with the appearance of fluid-filled bubbles in the mouth. This bubble could burst and form a wound that will feel pain.

In fact, recent research indicates a close link between the accumulation of bacteria in the oral cavity with other severe illnesses, like diabetes, heart attacks, blood infections, up to about babies with insufficient weight. Gingivitis is recognized to be the main factor cases of teeth and tooth supporting tissue damage. The longer plaque and bacteria that resides in the teeth that will cause inflammation of the gums is called gingivitis.
That gingivitis gingivitis medical term is a state in which there is a change struktual the gums. Marked by a change in shape and color of the gums. Even so, if left unchecked, this mild inflammation can develop into periodontitis. This means, inflammation around the teeth. At this stage of gum chipped teeth and form pockets of infection. As a result, the immune system to fight against the bad bacteria as the widespread and growing plaque around the gums. If this is not addressed, bone teeth, gums, and teeth buffer network will be destroyed. The teeth will soon be dated or revoked. You certainly do not want this to happen in your mouth, if this happens to you, immediately to the dentist to carry out checks.

Factors Causes and Symptoms

Gingivitis (gum inflammation) can occur at any age. Usually, a person Hygiene factors are critical. There are several factors that can cause gingivitis. Among other things, smoking, hormonal changes in women, diabetes, stress, cancer, AIDS, genetic factors, malnutrition, and drugs. Some medications such as antidepressants and some heart medications can cause inflammation of the gums because of the reduced flow of saliva, which actually has a protective effect on teeth and gums. In addition to severe factors such as stress, hormonal changes, diabetes, and genetics, inflammation of the gums can happen so light as food and hot drinks. But the factors that are more common is someone Hygiene factors and errors in the brush.

According to Esti Prasetyo Drg Hospital Partners of Kemayoran, North Jakarta, the cause of gingivitis is most common in the stacking rocks on the tooth from food scraps that are not cleaned. "Coral teeth comes from the remnants of food? is not cleaned, so there accumulation and become rock, "he said. If the plaque remains attached to the teeth for more than 72 hours, it will harden and form tartar. "Gingivitis is also found in many people who use fake gigii never noticed cleanliness factor," he added. Moreover, if the false teeth were made of coarse material, so there is likely to injure the gums, causing inflammation.

Inflammation of the gums can also cause infection through the blood vessels and damage to human organs like heart, lungs, brain, and eyes. If the infection went down to the heart or the so-called percarlitis or inflammation of the lining of the heart. If the infection went up into the lungs can cause TB disease. If you go down to the eye vision problems can occur. And if the infection went up to the brain that can cause meninggitis.

There are two kinds of symptoms of inflammation of the gums, symptoms of primary and secondary symptoms. The primary symptoms are marked by the swelling of the gums. As a result the head felt dizzy and feverish. While secondary symptoms characterized by pain when touched or exposed to the gum toothbrush. As a result, the head feels dizzy or commonly referred to as migrants. In the primary symptoms, the gums will appear red when the gums have a natural color pink. "In some patients also complain of pain in his gums," he explained.
In addition, swelling of the gums and the gums become more tender than usual. As a result, the gums are no longer attached to the teeth so the dirt easier entry. If people brush their teeth or eating, often bleeding gums and gums become more sensitive. In addition patients will also complain about the smell of mouth, especially in the inflamed gums. Bleeding gums often make sufferers reluctant to brush his teeth by causing illness, it causes plaque and food scraps accumulating thus worsening the condition of gingivitis. In cases of severe gingivitis, then at the time, especially during the morning wake up pillow is packed with blood, and especially if the patient breathing during sleep through the mouth.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis is established based on symptoms and physical examination results. If found conditions inflamed gums red, swollen and bleed easily then it could be said if he was hit gingivitis. "Usually by knowing the patient's condition could have known," he explained. If the patient's gums are symptoms as mentioned above, he certainly has affected gingivitis.

Gingivitis, or inflammation of the gums if not treated will become severe and spread to the teeth resulting in tooth loss. The situation is called periodontitis, which is a further stage of gingivitis, with inflammation of the gums that is more severe. Medical conditions that cause or worsen gingivitis should be addressed.
If the cause is drugs, excessive gum growth should be removed surgically. If there is a deficiency of vitamin C, vitamin supplement provided. As for cases caused by accumulated tartar, treatment will be done by cleaning the tartar. "Just sprayed with warm water and given antibiotics to patients who have a fever," he explained. In addition the doctor usually will also give mouthwash to kill germs and bacteria found in the mouth.

Although this disease can be healed within 2 to 3 days but is highly recommended to patients to get to the dentist to perform scalling or tartar cleaning the interval between 3-6 months. Scalling addition, patients can also do scerentase, namely cleaning germs that can cause gingivitis contained in the root of the tooth. Because the inflammation will spread fear and cause a condition where the patient can not chew food with his teeth. Because if not treated immediately feared would be another disease that is more dangerous as periondotitis.

Even so, toothbrush remains the most important element to prevent this disease. Because simply by brushing your teeth twice a day for brushing your teeth too often it will damage the tooth enamel. Also recommended using a fluffy brush and brush your teeth carefully, not haphazard and short.

Tiens product Related This Articles :
Tiens Herbal Tooth Paste

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Prostate Health With Good Food

Your recent frequent urination until it was out of your habits? You should be suspicious, lest the prostate begin to trouble. So, is there certain foods proven to maintain prostate health? Prostate is a small gland nut for covering the top of the urethra, which drains from the bladder. This organ works out a mixture of liquid and sperm enzymes needed to stay healthy.

As you age, the prostate easily infected and disease. Swollen can interfere with urination. In addition to urinate frequently, other symptoms, ie blood in the urine, difficult at the beginning of urination, and slow flow. The risk of prostate enlargement, also called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), increased approximately 4 percent during the year in men after the age of 55 years. And at the age of 60 years, half of men will experience BPH. That number jumped to 95 percent at the age of 85 years. So the fact that quoted from the Mayo Clinic.

An article released the Mayo Clinic to see the effects of diet and supplements for prostate health. This article reveals that the following lifestyle factors beneficial for maintaining prostate health, including:

· High level of physical activity and no "belly fat".
· Low-fat diet
· Five or more servings of vegetables a day

In addition, the article also mentions some specific nutrients, such as:

· Vitamin C from vegetables was associated with lower risk of BPH. High-vitamin C vegetables, including peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, and tomato or vegetable juice.
· Foods high zinc content is also useful, including oysters, crabs, baked beans, duck, lamb, and beef.

High fruit intake did not affect the risk of BPH. Several studies indicate, increased risk of BPH is higher in men who ate red meat every day than men who ate only once a week.

But, other studies found that the decreased risk of BPH occurs in men with total protein intake high. The article did not find evidence that food or herbal supplements useful in preventing or treating BPH. The men, prostate health is your excuse to get exercise, avoiding obesity, eating vegetables, and keep fat intake low.

Tiens Product Related This Article :
1. Nutrient High Calcium Powder
2. Muncord Capsules

Friday, March 12, 2010


Musical Instrument Improve Child Language

A research shows that playing a musical instrument can help children to understand the language, by increasing the brain's sensitivity to sounds, including speech. Scientists in the United States claims to learn music can have a direct impact on the ability of a child in learning the language by influencing the sensitivity thoughts on all kinds of sounds. The results showed that exposure to music beneficial to the brain at the stage of development, and will have benefits to all children, including those who suffer from dyslexia and autism.

Research conducted by Northwestern University in Chicago, found a relationship between the ability to play music and nervous system capacity to create sound patterns. Professor Nina Kraus, who led the study, said that playing a musical instrument has an impact on automatic processes in the brain stem areas, namely the lower part of the brain that regulates breathing, heart rate and reaction to sound.

"Playing music involves the ability to extract relevant patterns, such as the instrument itself sounds, harmonies and rhythms, from the 'soundscape," says Prof.. Nina like that was launched from "Playing a musical instrument can help children speak better in a noisy classroom and more accurately interpret the nuances of language conveyed by subtle changes in the human voice," he added.

A spokesman for the National Autistic Society also agrees with the results of this research. Based on his experience, he said that many children who suffer from autism respond very well to music. "It seems music can help children communicate and interact with the people around them, making them relax or to express emotions," said the spokesman who did not mention this identity.

pic from :

Tiens Product Related this article :
1. Children Nutrient High Calcium Powder

2. Children IQ Meal

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

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Prevent Cancer With the Right Food Processing

women more vulnerable to cancer. Therefore, the air should begin to implement a healthy lifestyle, one of them by eating healthy foods. The phrase "you are what you eat" is very familiar to illustrate that whatever you eat will reflect you, including health. You get sick from the food you eat, but on the other side of the food can also be a drug for you, at least as disease prevention efforts.

You may have heard the suggestion to eat tomatoes to prevent cancer, garlic to prevent AIDS, or drink fruit juice in order to avoid dementia (at least slow down). It's just a small part of food's role in preventing or even cure diseases that are already evident through a number of research.

The scientists believe that high quality and well-balanced diet is the key to healthy living. The way such as by applying the enriched diet of five servings of fruits and vegetables, dairy products and wheat. In contrast, consumption of alcohol and sugar should be reduced.

Diets are not only stamped with the consumption of foods that are not too bad, but healthy. In fact, there are dietary patterns which can be done easily and precisely. And of course, without making you hungry. What are these foods? Here is an excerpt from Shape.

Go green!

According to the American Cancer Society, Asian women have breast cancer rates one-fifth of American women. While soy and vegetables, proved to contain the outbreak to prevent breast cancer. One study shows, China's women have the highest level of isothiocyanates. Isothiocyanate itself is a compound found in broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts and other vegetables. All kinds of vegetables are allegedly powerful reduce breast cancer by 50 percent.

Tiens Product Related This Article :
  1. Nutrient Hight Calcium Powder
  2. Muncord Capsules
  3. Chitosan Capsules

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Tiens Aura Energy

Tiens Enegy Aura Necklace generated from a combination of more than 30 kinds of materials and 100% natural minerals. Processed by heating temperature of 1.600 ° C by using high technology in the country of Korea. Internal structures are uniquely able to collect, focus and energy to balance out again physical condition, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Aura Energy in the pendant is still kept stored, but the novelty could be transformed into the body. During the transformation process, some energy is converted into heat in order to maintain a balanced condition. Resultant heat produced later in the scattered and radiated through the processes such as emission or radiation, and partly converted into energy.Tiens Energy Aura is capable of absorbing heat energy and hot directly transform it into a bio-energy long-wave 4-16 microns in size that could affect the entire activity melekular of water molecules in the human body.

Therefore, it is useful to improve blood circulation system, keep the body's metabolic functions, and thus help to achieve better health. Aura Energy Tiens influence at human body temperature change, blood cells and also changes the brain wave change after wearing Aura Energy Tiens within 1 (one) hour.

Heat generated from the human body shown by the flow of blood under the skin. When the amount of blood flow increases, the temperature rises. Similarly when blood flow decreases, body temperature will also fall. We know that the blood circulation (blood flow) in the human body we can see through a microscope. Negative ions have been studied ion can effectively increase alpha wave activity, increases the body's energy, optimizing body condition and improving concentration ability.

Risk of Passive Smokers

Plight of passive smokers are exposed to nicotine terpakasa come and toxic substances from cigarette smoke. Although only a moment, as well as active smokers, the lungs were passive smokers too contaminated by more than 4,000 toxic substances cigarettes. Experts have defined a long time that cigarette smoke is the smoke inhaled mainstream smoke, while smoke from a burning cigarette tip is called sidestream smoke. Air pollution caused by the mainstream and sidestream smoke is called second hand smoke (secondhand smoke) or environmental tobacco smoke (environemntal tobacco smoke / ETS).

This second hand smoke is bad too, among others, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease due to damage to blood vessels and changes in cholesterol levels. Several studies have shown, people are often exposed to smoke from her husband for several years at risk of lung cancer by 20 percent. Meanwhile, those who are exposed at work or social environment, the risk is higher, namely 25 percent. Although Air Conditioning (AC) can remove the visible smoke in the room, but can not eliminate smoke particles because it will continue to circulate and very easily inhaled by those who are not smokers. Therefore, turn the AC is not the answer to avoid the dangers of cigarettes.

Despite the dangers of cigarettes has been understood, in fact there are still many smokers who do not care about the suffering of others. They casually still smoking on the bus or work space. Anti-smoking campaigns that have been echoed had not guarantee the right to not perkokok to breathe clean air. Indeed, many now have found a special room to smoke, but the authorities should also help smokers who want to quit smoking.

Tiens Product Related This Article :
Renuves Capsules (Beneficial) : prevent asthma & respiratory tract

Weight Problems, Create Frustrated Youth

Body image and weight become a problem most women. And it turned out, teenagers are no different. They are putting out these issues in various ways, including eating behavior everyday. Nutrition affects everything from appearance to the ability to learn. Nutrition simply functioned as what keeps us alive, but actually, it means more than that. Baby's nutritional needs to the attention of many parents. Unfortunately, as age increases, attention began to fade. As they stepped on the school to teenagers, parents no longer give the same attention. Most opinion, kids eat free of any type of food you want. As a result, child and adolescent obesity mostly found around us. In fact, the understanding of a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet is important for teenagers to prevent them from risky behavior in controlling weight.

Risky eating behavior

Even teenagers who consider her slim, they still diet, brings back the food (bulimia), loss of appetite at all (anorexia), or use laxatives to maintain or lose weight according to his ambition. The problem is this behavior affects the balance of nutrients in the body of a teenager who is still in the growing bones and brain. These risk behaviors have long-term consequences and short-term.

Teenagers need guidance

Like other issues, your teenager is not enough to grow, so that still need attention and guidance. Between the uncertainty in making decisions about interests and feelings, teens need their parents to provide feedback about balanced nutrition and remain physically active. Children need to be reminded that eating healthy is one of life skills.

Stay alert

Change your child's behavior about eating and food, as well as other risky behavior, convey a signal that you have to keep watching. Alert to the appearance, mood, and food intake.

And like other behavior, the method of approach "role model" is a great way to teach them about balance and control to eat a healthy weight. As a parent, you must continue to care to help them learn to make good decisions.

Friday, March 05, 2010

Soft drinks Increase The Risk of Cancer Pangkreas

Stop your habit who like to consume soft drinks to excess, if it does not want to pancreatic cancer. Research says people who consume two or more soft drinks a week, two times greater risk of pancreatic cancer. Researchers found a correlation between sweet drinks with cancer. They believe that the high sugar content in soft drinks can increase insulin levels in the body. That is why they are so more susceptible to this deadly disease. Dr Mark Pereira, one of the researchers from the University of Minnesota, claiming that people who consume soft drinks regularly, eating patterns tend to have worse overall.

"The high level of sugar in soft drinks can increase insulin levels in the body, which we consider to contribute to the growth of pancreatic cancer cells," says Dr Pereira. Although relatively rare, but pancreatic cancer is one of the most deadly disease and only five percent of those diagnosed, can survive up to five years into the future. In a study conducted for 14 years, Dr. Pereira and his colleagues involving approximately 60,524 men and women in the Singapore Chinese Health Study. During that time period, found as many as 140 cases of pancreatic cancer in the participants. Participants who consumed two or more soft drinks per week (an average of five per week), 87 percent increased risk compared with individuals who do not consume soft drinks. But researchers found no association between fruit juice consumption with pancreatic cancer.

Dr Pereira was convinced that the findings published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention can also be applicable to all western countries. "Singapore is a prosperous country with health care very well. And also the favorites for eating and shopping, so the findings can be applied in western countries the other," he said. Meanwhile, from the Yale School of Public Health, Professor Susan Mayne, gave his response about the results of this research. He said the results of this study interesting but has some major limitations that must be considered in any interpretation.

"Although this study found the risk, the findings were based on the number of cases is relatively small and still not clear whether it is a causal association or not," said Professor Susan Mayne. "Soft drinks are consumed in Singapore is associated with several adverse health behaviors such as smoking and intake of red meat, which we can not control accurately," he added. Previous studies have linked pancreatic cancer with red meat, especially meat baked or blackened. Pancreatic cancer is one of the most lethal cancers, with 230 thousand cases globally. In the United States, 37,680 people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer within a year and 34,290 people die because of it.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Insomnia Can Shrink The Brain

Effects of Insomnia increasingly endanger health. Not only can reduce your stamina, sleep disorders can also shrink the brain. For the first time, through brain imaging research has linked insomnia with a decrease in gray matter. The test results showed that those who often experience chronic sleep disorders have a density of gray matter was lower in the brain regions that are used to make decisions.

"These findings predict that chronic insomnia is likely to compromise the ability to assess the stimulus," said Dr. Ellemarije Altena, researchers from the University of Cambridge. "This could be a consequence for any other thought process, especially in decision making," he added, as quoted from

Insomnia is a general description of almost all psychiatric conditions associated with reduced gray matter. Researchers already know that insomnia is disturbing how the brain works, but this research explains why the damage occurred. This research was conducted Dr. Ellemarije and his team by comparing the brains of patients with chronic insomnia who have a normal sleep. Patients with chronic insomnia showed a reduction greater density, regardless of how long they suffer from this disorder.

"We can not say what comes first, the density of the gray area is reduced in people with insomnia. However, the data showed that low density in orbitofrontal gray may be the tendency of risk factors a person has insomnia," he explained.

The research was published in the journal Biological Psychiatry, only focusing on the elderly, because it required further research to determine whether the brain due to insomnia mengecilnya can occur at any age.

Tiens Product related this article :
  1. Tiens Sweet Dream Granules
  2. Childreen IQ Meal
  3. Tiens Lecithin

Monday, February 08, 2010


Depression During Pregnancy Affects Child Behavior

Mother, if you want a healthy child and behave well, treat yourself with the best possible during pregnancy. Avoid stress and depression during pregnancy is the main thing you should do. Because of a recent study says, women who suffer from the syndrome 'baby blues' during pregnancy, four times greater risk of having a child who likes to violence when they entered their teens. These risks will remain influential even though the mother did not experience depression after giving birth.Rata Penuh
If previous studies show that mothers who experience postpartum depression can affect the development of child behavior. However, for the first time experts from Cardiff and Bristol universities and King's College London, believed that the depression that occurs during pregnancy can also affect the behavior of child birth. Many pregnant women who suffer from depression. This even more common during pregnancy than after their birth. It is estimated that approximately 10-15 percent of women suffer depression during their waiting time of birth.

"So far, more attention directed at the effects of depression after the baby is born, but depression during pregnancy also affects the unborn baby," said Prof. Dale F Hay, of Cardiff University, as lead investigator. This result is known after the research team conducted research on 120 expectant mothers. They are interviewing the mothers during pregnancy, after delivery and when their children aged 4, 11 and 16 years.

A study published in the journal Child Development shows that women who experience depression during pregnancy, 4 times at risk to have children who like to violence when they were 16 years old. Even the children are also likely to show the form of other antisocial behaviors. "Although not known exactly how depression in pregnancy can affect infants to grow up with anti-social behavior, but our findings suggest that women who have a history of depression during pregnancy, may require special support," added Prof. Dale F Hay.

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